[RUBY] After introducing RSpec, until you start writing unit test code for your model


For the flow up to the introduction of RSpec, click here [https://qiita.com/TerToEer_sho/items/472e14df6fbb8e83ebf9)


  1. Factory Bot preparation
  2. Generate a file that describes the test code
  3. Description type

1. Factory Bot preparation

Prepare directories and files. ex) For user model FactoryBot, spec / factories / users.rb


FactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    email {Faker::Internet.free_email} #Example
    #Below, describe the necessary Faker in the same way

The: user part is used when calling Faker in spec / models / user_spec.rb.

For details on how to use Faker, go to Faker's GitHub

2. Generate a file that describes the test code

At the terminal

rails g rspec:model model name

With this command spec / models / model name_spec.rb File is generated.

From the beginning in the file


RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
  pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}" #Delete this line

It contains code like this. You can delete the code on the second line. (In the above example, user is specified as the model name)

3. Description type


RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
  describe 'What to test (Example) New user registration' do
    before do
      @user = FactoryBot.build(:user) #Taking the user model as an example, call user's FactoryBot
    it "Specific test items (example) Email address is required" do 

(Similarly, in the above example, user is specified as the model name.)

.build (: user) ←: user is called from FactoryBot.

Put an example between ʻit and do. Write the code between do ~ end`.

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