[RAILS] Model unit test code to check uniqueness constraints


This is an addition to the post the other day. Unit test code of model using RSpec which is a little peculiar ~ User registration

Test code to verify uniqueness constraints

RSpec.describe School, type: :model do
  describe 'School registration' do
    before do
      @school = FactoryBot.build(:school)
  it 'The same school name cannot be registered' do
    @school.save #← Point ①
    another_school = FactoryBot.build(:school) #← Point ②
    another_school.name = @school.name #← Point ③
    expect(another_school.errors.full_messages).to include("The school name already exists")

A little commentary

Point ①

Save FactoryBot.build (: school) as @ school.save first.

Point ②

Create another as another (name is free).

Point ③

Make the newly generated value at point ② and the previously saved value at point ① the same.

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