I tested how to use Ruby's test / unit and rock-paper-scissors code.

First of all

The assignment said, "Test the rock-paper-scissors program using test / unit." I heard the test code for the first time, so I will write it as a memo for myself. The operating environment is as follows.

mac Ruby 2.6.5 test/unit 3.3.6

What you want to achieve

Test the rock-paper-scissors program using "test / unit".

What is test / unit?

In the first place, the test code is a program to check whether the logic of the written program is working as expected.

test / unit is a test framework for Ruby, and it seems that it was originally installed as standard. Please refer to here for the installation of tesu / unit itself.

Basic usage of test / unit

As a premise, please note that it differs slightly depending on the ver. The basic syntax is as follows.

require 'test/unit'

 class [class name] <Test :: Unit :: TestCase


First, require``'test / unit' to use this framework. Next, create a class that inherits Test :: Unit :: TestCase. In Ruby, by inheriting Test :: Unit :: TestCase, the class becomes a test executable file.

require 'test/unit'

 class [class name] <Test :: Unit :: TestCase

 def test_ [method name]
    foo = "hoge"
    assert_equal("hoge", foo)


The test process is as above. Create a method and write the program you want to test there. The rule is that method names start with test_. In this method, write the check method in the following format. (There are other check methods)

 assert_equal (assumed values, variables, methods, etc.)

ʻAssert_equal` makes sure that the value of the variable and the return value of the method match what you expected.

This is the end of the quick tutorial, but there are more methods available by default, so check out the reference.


Then, the solution of the achievement condition is described below. First of all, I will write the rock-paper-scissors program first. (It's not a very smart program, but please forgive me) If you input g, c or p as standard input, the result of rock-paper-scissors is output.

player = gets.chomp

if player == "g"
 player = "goo"
elsif player == "c"
 player = "choki"
elsif player == "p"
 player = "par"

com = rand(3)
if com == 0
 com = "goo"
elsif com  == 1
 com = "choki"
 com = "par"

if player == com
 res = "draw"
 elsif (player == "Goo" && com == "Choki") || (player == "Choki" && com == "Par") || (player == "Par" && com == "Goo")
 res = "You win"
 res = "You lose"

 puts "You are # {player}, I am # {com}, # {res}."

In this case, we will test whether the correct result is displayed when the values of the two variables player and com are decided, so we will test the following part.

if player == com
 res = "draw"
 elsif (player == "Goo" && com == "Choki") || (player == "Choki" && com == "Par") || (player == "Par" && com == "Goo")
 res = "You win"
 res = "You lose"

 puts "You are # {player}, I am # {com}, # {res}."

This time, we will summarize the above process of determining victory or defeat in a class.

class Janken
  def self.judge(player,com)
    if player == com
 res = "draw"
     elsif (player == "Goo" && com == "Choki") || (player == "Choki" && com == "Par") || (player == "Par" && com == "Goo")
 res = "You win"
 res = "You lose"
 return "You are # {player}, I am # {com}, # {res}."

The processing of winning and losing of rock-paper-scissors is summarized in the class. Then, write the test process.

require 'test/unit'

class Test_Janken < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_janken
 assert_equal ('You are goo, I am goo, draw.', Janken.judge ("goo", "goo"))
 assert_equal ('You are choki, I am choki, draw.', Janken.judge ("choki", "choki"))
 assert_equal ('You are par, I am par, draw.', Janken.judge ("par", "par"))
 assert_equal ('You are goo, I am choki, you win.', Janken.judge ("goo", "choki"))
 assert_equal ('You are choki, I am par, you win.', Janken.judge ("choki", "par"))
 assert_equal ('You are par, I am goo, you win.', Janken.judge ("par", "goo"))
 assert_equal ('You are goo, I am par, you lose.', Janken.judge ("goo", "par"))
 assert_equal ('You are choki, I am goo, you lose.', Janken.judge ("choki", "goo"))
 assert_equal ('You are par, I am choki, you lose.', Janken.judge ("par", "choki"))

It's like verifying all 9 patterns of rock-paper-scissors wins and losses with ʻassert_equal`. This is combined with the processing of rock-paper-scissors. The following code is the final one.

require 'test/unit'

class Janken
  def self.judge(player,com)
    if player == com
 res = "draw"
     elsif (player == "Goo" && com == "Choki") || (player == "Choki" && com == "Par") || (player == "Par" && com == "Goo")
 res = "You win"
 res = "You lose"

 return "You are # {player}, I am # {com}, # {res}."

class Test_Janken < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_janken
 assert_equal ('You are goo, I am goo, draw.', Janken.judge ("goo", "goo"))
 assert_equal ('You are choki, I am choki, draw.', Janken.judge ("choki", "choki"))
 assert_equal ('You are par, I am par, draw.', Janken.judge ("par", "par"))
 assert_equal ('You are goo, I am choki, you win.', Janken.judge ("goo", "choki"))
 assert_equal ('You are choki, I am par, you win.', Janken.judge ("choki", "par"))
 assert_equal ('You are par, I am goo, you win.', Janken.judge ("par", "goo"))
 assert_equal ('You are goo, I am par, you lose.', Janken.judge ("goo", "par"))
 assert_equal ('You are choki, I am goo, you lose.', Janken.judge ("choki", "goo"))
 assert_equal ('You are par, I am choki, you lose.', Janken.judge ("par", "choki"))

Result is,,

Loaded suite test
Finished in 0.000811 seconds.
1 tests, 9 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
1233.05 tests/s, 11097.41 assertions/s

I was able to test without any problems.


test / unit library --doc.ruby-lang.org

How to use ruby's default Unit test-Brain juice portal

Write a test with Test :: Unit -Qiita

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