[RUBY] Implementation of unit test code

I'll leave a quick test code implementation here as a reminder of myself.

As a prerequisite, this time we will create a unit test code for the new registration of the user. There are four things to test: nickname, email, password, and password_confirmation.

Gem preparation

First, write the gem to test in the gemfile * Describe the part to be described in group: development,: test do. If you write it here, you can use it only when testing.


group :development, :test do

  gem 'rspec-rails'         #A gem for writing and testing these 4 lines
  gem 'factory_bot_rails'   #A gem that describes these 4 lines and creates a template-like one
  gem 'faker'               #A gem that describes these 4 lines and puts a text string etc.
  gem 'pry-rails'           #Describe these 4 lines, binding.A gem that allows pry to stop processing

  # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console
  gem 'byebug', platforms: [:mri, :mingw, :x64_mingw]

After writing the above, execute the following in the terminal


% bundle install
% rails g rspec:install

Perfect once these files are created


create  .rspec
create  spec
create  spec/spec_helper.rb
create  spec/rails_helper.rb

Write the following in the .rspec file


--require spec_helper   #Included by default
--format documentation   #Add this line

This description is for visualizing the result of the test code on the terminal.

Model preparation

Create a model with the following command (create a user model this time)


% rails g rspec:model user

Once these are created


 create  spec/models/user_spec.rb
 invoke  factory_bot
 create    spec/factories/users.rb

Clarification of test contents


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
  describe "New user registration" do
    it "Cannot register if nickname is empty" do
      #Write test code that cannot be registered if nickname is empty
    it "Cannot register if email is empty" do
      #Write a test code that cannot be registered if email is empty

    it "Cannot register if password is empty" do
      #Write a test code that cannot be registered if the password is empty

    it "password_Cannot register if confirmation is empty" do
      # password_Write a test code that cannot be registered if confirmation is empty

If you know the explanation, you can go through it.

① describe "Content of the test you want to do" do ~ end Describe the content in "Content of the test you want to perform", this time describe the test of the user management function

② it'condition' do ~ end Describe the condition you want to test in the'condition'part

Execute the command to check if it is done properly


% bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb 

スクリーンショット 2021-01-15 12.23.43.png

If this is output to the terminal

Use FactoryBot and Faker

First, create a directory called factories in the spec directory, and create user.rb in it. スクリーンショット 2021-01-15 12.09.06.png

Describe the following in the created users.rb

spec/factories/users.rb (when not using Faker)

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    nickname              {"test"}
    email                 {"test@example"}
    password              {"000000"}
    password_confirmation {password}

spec/factories/users.rb (when using Faker)

FactoryBot.define do
 factory :user do
   nickname              {Faker::Name.initials(number: 2)}
   email                 {Faker::Internet.free_email}
   password              {Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 6)}
   password_confirmation {password}

Now the factorybot is ready! ① Go back to the user_spec.rb file and add the following 3 lines under RSpec.describe User, type:: model do (2) Describe the actual processing to be performed in the processing of it do to end.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
  #⬇︎ Add these 3 lines
  before do
    @user = FactoryBot.build(:user)
  #⬆︎ Add these 3 lines
  describe "New user registration" do
    it "Cannot register if nickname is empty" do
      @user.nickname = ""
      expect(@user.errors.full_messages).to include("Nickname can't be blank") 

    it "Cannot register if email is empty" do
      #⬇︎ Actual processing
      @user.email = ""  
      expect(@user.errors.full_messages).to include("Email can't be blank") 
      #⬆︎ Actual processing

    it "Cannot register if password is empty" do
      @user.password = ""
      expect(@user.errors.full_messages).to include("Password can't be blank")

    it "password_Cannot register if confirmation is empty" do
       @user.password_confirmation = ""
       expect(@user.errors.full_messages).to include("Password confirmation doesn't match Password")

Let's do it!


% bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb 

スクリーンショット 2021-01-15 12.23.43.png

When these are displayed, k If you get an error, write binding.pry in the error area and execute it!


it "Cannot register if nickname is empty" do
      @user.nickname = ""
      binding.pry  #Processing stops here
      expect(@user.errors.full_messages).to include("Nickname can't be blank") 



pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::User>)> @user.valid?   #Check if there is an error
pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::User>)> @user.errors.full_messages  #Check the error message

pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::User>)> exit  #Escape from the rails console

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