[RUBY] [Rails] Various ways to write in seed files


Ruby 2.6.5 Rails 6.0.3

How to write this and that

① Create only one (basic)


   email: "[email protected]",
   name: "user1",
   passowrd: "password"

Create! Action for the model you want to create a record for. I will give the value of each column.

② Create multiple demo data


 users = User.create!([
  {nickname: "guest", email: "[email protected]", password: "guest1234"},
  {nickname: "guest2", email: "[email protected]", password: "guest5678"}, 

Prepare an array. It can be created by passing record data in the form of a hash to each element of the array.

③ Create multiple demo data (repetitive processing)


20.times do |n|
  name: "guest#{n+1}",
  email: "guest#{n+1}@guest.com",
  password: "guest#{n+1}0000",

Execute the create! Action multiple times using the times method. Implement different values in each record by including n in the value so that columns with uniqueness do not overlap.

④ Combine arrays


stations = ["Tokyo",
  "Takanawa Gateway",
  "Osaki" ,
  "Uguisudani" ,

stations.length.times do |i|
    name: stations[i]

After preparing the array, iterate as many times as there are, and give the value of the array to the column. (I think I should be able to go with each, but for some reason it didn't work and I processed it with times) I used an array because I wanted to reuse this value for another column. (Specifically, when I made the demo data of the restaurant after this, I wanted to include the station name in the store name, so I chose this method)

⑤ Create a record including attributes nest


  name: "sofa",
  produce: "Brand new",
  price: 8000,
  images_attributes: [{image: File.open('./app/assets/images/index_item01.png',)}]

When the Item table nests the Image table and has a has_many relationship. Since images_attributes has multiple record data, create an array and give the record data of the Image table by hash in it.

⑥ Various combinations so far


10.times do |i|
    name: "Fresh fish shop#{stations[i]}shop",
    address: addresses[i],
    capacity: 40,
    mainimage: File.open('./app/assets/images/shops/shop1_1.jpg'),
    maincontent: "We are waiting for you to prepare seafood directly from the production area!",
    likepoints: 0,
    station_ids: [i+1,i+2],
    introduces_attributes: [
      {subcontent: "You can enjoy your meal in the calm interior.",
        number: 1,
        subimage: File.open('./app/assets/images/shops/shop1_2.jpg')},
      {subcontent:"We recommend the seafood platter!",
        number: 2,
        subimage: File.open('./app/assets/images/shops/shop1_3.jpg')},
      {subcontent: "A talkative clerk is waiting for you!",
        number: 3,
        subimage: File.open('./app/assets/images/shops/shop1_4.jpg')}

Multiple shop data are created using the array called stations. The shop table nests the introduces table, and I want to pass multiple records to the introduces table, so I pass an array in the form of a hash. It's not that complicated, surprisingly. (I don't know the cause, but this didn't work at first, and when I adjusted the indentation, something went wrong.


When I studied how the data was sent in the form, I understood a lot, so I didn't have to worry too much about the description in the seed file. While reading various things, I got the impression that the phrase "the array is taken out as a hash and the hash is taken out as an array to save the data" that came out in the official text was very easy to understand (remember).

I will leave it as a reminder.

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