Introduction of PyGMT

It seems that GMT can be used in Python, so I will add it.

Building a virtual environment


conda create -n pygmt python=3.8.2
conda activate pygmt
conda install pip numpy pandas xarray netcdf4 packaging gmt
conda install pygmt -c conda-forge
conda install ipython jupyter jupyterlab -c conda-forge

Sample test

Follow the tutorial.


conda install pytest pytest-mpl ipython

Start python and


import pygmt

Message returned


============================== 53 failed, 212 passed, 1 skipped, 353 warnings in 83.38s (0:01:23) ==============================
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/kanon/local/anaconda3/envs/pygmt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pygmt/", line 187, in test
    assert status == 0, "Some tests have failed."
AssertionError: Some tests have failed.

I feel like I've failed quite a bit, is this okay? I also included GMT5, so I tried setting GMT_LIBRARY_PATH as in the tutorial, but the number of ** failed ** did not change.

Map for the time being!

I drew a picture according to the tutorial.


import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()

fig.basemap(region=[-90,-70,0,20], projection="M8i", frame=True)


fig.savefig("test_pygmt.png ")

It worked! However, I can't see anything when Jupyter Lab is in Dark mode ... oh

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