Introduction of ferenOS 3 (package update, installation)

Package update

Run the following command: apt update && sudo apt upgrade It's the same as Ubuntu. You can also update from the included "Update Manager".

Summary of how to install packages and applications

Install from the same deb file as how to install packages on Ubuntu and Debian distributions. There are the following ways to use the application on ferenOS.

  1. Use the package management system apt command Installation method common to Ubuntu and debian   sudo apt install <hoge>
  2. Use the Store app
  3. Use Synaptic package manager
  4. Use the dpkg -i command. (Used when downloading and installing the package file deb file individually sudo dpkg -i <hoge.deb> 5.snap 6.Flatpak
  5. Build from source
  6. Use AppImage file
  7. Installation from sh file (used to install the driver)

Of these, 2 and 3 are applications that allow 1 to be used on the GUI. I think 2 and 3 will cover most application installations. Personally, I only use 1-3.

However, with this alone, you can only install applications in the Ubuntu repository and the repository that is set by default in ferenOS, so add the repository and PPA. For PPA, do the following: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hoge/hoge Alternatively, for non-PPA repositories, use wget to get the public key and wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -  Then add the repository. sudo apt-add-repository 'deb'

You can check the added repository and PPA from the "Software Sources" app. image.png We have already added Vivaldi and Wine repositories. Screenshot_20200813_213053.png graphic-drivers is a PPA that has already been set. Check it to enable it. I've set up an appropriate PPA, but it seems to be reflected. image.png This is the official repository. You can change the mirror server freely. It is the setting of the mirror server of "Linux mint (tracia)", but when I restarted this app, an error was confirmed that the default setting was left. When I checked the configuration file (/etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list), it seems that the settings have been changed properly, so only the display seems to be strange.

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