[JAVA] Create an HTTPS file server for development with ring-jetty-adapter

Since it was necessary to distribute the file via https during development, check it and make a note of the implementation.


--Java / Clojure development environment is installed --This time, I used [ring / ring-core" 1.6.2 "]

Make a keystore

By executing the following, you can generate a keystore that contains the public key and private key information required for https.

[Detailed steps](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/9.4.x/configuring-ssl.html#generating-key-pairs-and-certificat es)

 keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA

Ring-middleware to deliver files

Specify to use file middleware that is included in ring as standard. Files under the specified directory can be distributed.

Set up the server for HTTPS

This time, [ring-jetty-adapter](https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/blob/master/ring-jetty-adapter/src/ring/adapter/jetty. Use clj).

(require '[ring.adapter.jetty :as j]
         '[ring.middleware.file :as rf])

(def jetty
     (rf/wrap-file identity ;;A handler that does nothing because it only delivers files
                   "." ;;I want to distribute under the project root directory
     {:host "localhost"
      :http? false ;;Because http is unnecessary
      :ssl? true ;;Enable https
      :ssl-port 9443 ;;Arbitrary value
      :keystore "keystore" ;;Path to the first keystore created
      :key-password "password";;Value used to create the keystore
      :join? false ;;After booting, control returns to the REPL


I used to use the https server module that came with Python, but I was happy because it could be completed easily with Clojure / Java alone.

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