Create an AWS IoT EduKit development environment with Ubuntu 20.04 + VirtualBox 6.1

AWS IoT EduKit requires ESP-IDF v4.2, but I'm particularly worried about building an environment on Windows, so I'll show you how to build it on Ubuntu inside a virtual machine.

By the way, the Workshop Document does not specify minor mistakes or required libraries, so that has already been added. (Bug Report completed)

Preparing VirtualBox

--Installing version 6.1 and Extension --Main memory: 4096MB or more --Number of processors: 2 or more --Video memory: 64MB or more --Storage: 20GB or more

Ubuntu 20.04

Download ** ubuntu-ja-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso ** from and install it in VirtualBox.

--Installation configuration --Minimal installation, third party software installation

After installation

--Update and reboot. --Although it is not required, it is easier to work in Terminal if you set The contents of your home directory in English on Ubuntu. Also, this article assumes English directory names. -It is recommended because it resolves the permissions of Install Arduino IDE and / dev/ttyUSB **. (Restart required)

Translate the contents of your home directory into English

$ LANG=C xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update

Visual Studio Code installation

There are no changes from Documentation. I will write it as a memo.

Download **. Deb 64bit ** from

$ sudo apt install -y ~/Downloads/code_1.52.1-1608136922_amd64.deb

Installing PlatformIO

Before working, do the following:

$ sudo apt install -y git python3-venv

After that, it is as Document.

Claiming and provisioning the device

I can't read the QR code because of the font (I think), so if you paste the URL displayed below it on your browser, the QR code will be displayed.

Installing ESP-IDF v4.2

Proceed as follows.

$ sudo apt install -y git wget flex bison gperf python-setuptools cmake ninja-build ccache libffi-dev libssl-dev dfu-util python3-virtualenv python-is-python3
$ mkdir ~/esp/
$ cd ~/esp/
$ git clone -b release/v4.2 --recursive
$ cd esp-idf
$ bash
$ source ~/esp/esp-idf/

change point

--Added python3-virtualenv`` python-is-python3 to apt. --Fixed how to execute --Changed the loading method of to source.

Miniconda setup and installation

There is no change from Document, but I added it because the information is insufficient.

Download for Python 3.8 from

$ bash ~/Downloads/

--Installation destination is $ HOME/miniconda3 --Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3 by running conda init? Answers ** yes **.

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ conda create -n edukit python=3.7
$ conda activate edukit

change point

--Added information when installing Miniconda3. --Added source ~/.bashrc.


I have changed a little from Document.

$ sudo apt install -y curl
$ curl -o ~/Downloads/
$ unzip -x ~/Downloads/
$ sudo aws/install
$ rm -rf aws 

As per the documentation after AWS CLI Configuration.

change point

--Added apt install -y curl. --The ZIP download destination is set to Downloads. --Delete the extraction directory.

Retrieving the Device Certificate and Registering your AWS IoT thing

Before working, do the following:

$ source ~/esp/esp-idf/
$ conda activate edukit
$ sudo apt install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev g++ python3-dev

After that, it is as Document.

If the execution of fails to import esptool, the environment variable IDF_PATH is not set correctly. In the new Terminal, run source ~/esp/esp-idf/ => conda activate edukit, and then run it again.

If you continue to open a new Terminal and develop AWS IoT EduKit, always load these two environments in the future.

$ source ~/esp/esp-idf/
$ conda activate edukit

Time up to this point

About 2 hours in total including download time. It takes more if the network is slow.


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