CSRF validation error when accessing django 3.0 admin page in Chrome


When I log in to django's admin page using Chrome, the screen doesn't transition for a while after completing the form, and the following error message is displayed. access_error.jpg With Microsoft Edge, such an error does not occur. Apparently, it's not the django side, but the Chrome cookie settings.

Operating environment



--Check the csrf token --Chrome developer tools [Ctrl + Shift + i] ⇒ Application ⇒ Check if csrf token exists in Cookies in Storage --Try clearing Chrome cookies --Chrome ⇒ Settings ⇒ Advanced settings ⇒ Privacy and security ⇒ Delete cookies from browsing history data deletion ――If that doesn't work --Privacy and security ⇒ Cookies and site data --Turn on Allowing Sites to Save and Read Cookie Data --Turn on to delete cookies and site data when Chrome is closed

Reference site

https://qiita.com/UNKCHAN/items/371bf04bbeea1c5e9904 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29573163/django-admin-login-suddenly-demanding-csrf-token

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