[Django] Error encountered when deploying heroku Part 2

What happened?

To deploy a web app created with Django on heroku

$ git push heroku master

When I executed, the following error occurred.

remote: !   No such app as xxx-yyy-1234.
fatal: repository 'https://git.heroku.com/xxx-yyy-1234git/' not found

What is the cause?

[Part 1] [https://qiita.com/nissy7ok/items/716cc6e973104c6d660d) When the deployment failed, the application created by the heroku create command was deleted. Therefore, a URL that does not exist was specified in git push heroku master.


Just specify the URL again for the existing app

$ heroku create    #If not, create

$ git remote set-url heroku https://git.heroku.com/aaa-bbb-9876.git    #Specify the created URL

If you push it again with this, it will pass.

$ git push heroku master


[Heroku] Deploy (fatal: repository'app_url' not found)

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