Django Heroku Deploy 1


Deploy on Heroku using Django as a framework.

python-3.7.3 django 2.2

Homebrew, pyenv, Pipenv, Python, Django installed

What is Heroku

A platform service that allows you to easily upload and publish web applications. Since it can be used in a state where the environment has already been built, you can easily publish the created application on the web just by uploading it on Heroku.

Main subject Register as a Heroku user from the URL above. (free)

Heroku Toolbelt settings

By installing Heroku Toolbelt, you can use commands dedicated to Heroku. Enter the following command in the terminal. (For mac)

$ brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

Log in to Heroku from your terminal

Now that you have the Heroku Toolbelt installed, you can use Heroku commands on your terminal. Now, log in to Heroku from your terminal.

$ heroku login

heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit: #Press Enter etc.
Opening browser to
Logging in... done
Logged in as [email protected] #Your email address will be displayed

Create an app on Heroku

You can create an application on Heroku with the following command.

$heroku create app name

【Caution! ] If the app name isn't unique across Heroku, it'll bounce back like this! ↓ ↓ Example

$ heroku create banban
Creating ⬢ banban... !
 ▸    Name banban is already taken

If it works, it will be as follows.

$ heroku create banban-2020

Creating ⬢ banban-2020... done |

・ Deploy Up to this point, you have secured the area to deploy the app.

Deployment to Heroku is described below. "Django Heroku Deploy 2"

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