heroku deployment memo (Django)

Preparing Django

See Working with Django (https://devcenter.heroku.com/categories/working-with-django) for more information.

Procfile Create a Procfile and add the following.


web: gunicorn PROJECTNAME.wsgi

settings.py Install django-heroku

pip install django-heroku

Add the following to settings.py


import django_heroku

requirements.txt Create requirements.txt in the root directory (under the project folder) and add the following



Preparing heroku

Log in to heroku

heroku login

### Creating an application
heroku create APPNAME

### git settings
heroku git:remote -a APPNAME

### buildpacks settings

heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python 

## Deploy
### Deploy
git push heroku master

### Application launch
heroku open

## Other
### Command execution on heroku
heroku run COMMAND

 Command interruption: `heroku run: detached COMMAND`

### log
heroku logs --t

### List of applications
heroku list

### Command execution for each application
heroku COMMAND --app APPNAME

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