[Learning memo] Django command summary


I made a note while proceeding with the Django Tutorial and Django Girls Tutorial. This is a command. The interpretation may be wrong because you are learning. If you find any mistakes, please let me know in the comments.

Environmental confirmation

#Django version check
  $ python -m django --version

Creation related

Command to create files etc. in the count directory

#Project creation
  $ django-admin startproject [Project name]

#Application creation
  $ python manage.py startapp [Application name]

Server related

#Launch development server
  $ python manage.py runserver
  $ python manage.py runserver [port number]

DB related

#Create a migration file
  $ python manage.py makemigrations polls

#Returns SQL with the name of the migration as an argument
  $ python manage.py sqlmigrate polls 0001

#Reflect the model in the database
  $ python manage.py migrate

#Register a Django admin superuser
  $ python manage.py createsuperuser

Reference: [Learning memo] About Make migrations and Migrate

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