Jupyter Notebook Magic Command Personal Summary


What is a magic command?

Magic Commands is a mechanism provided by the IPython kernel. In addition to functions related to Notebook operation, it provides utility functions such as moving directories and displaying a list of files.

Magic command basics

Enter % at the beginning and then enter the command. The command to output the current directory is as follows.


The magic command % pwd does not seem to be different from ! Pwd using the shell, but command execution using ! depends on the OS shell. On the other hand, magic commands depend on the functions provided by the IPython kernel.

If a magic command changes any value, you can assign the return value to a variable, just as you would when calling a Python function.

curr_dir = %pwd

Magic commands that are easy to use

A magic command that measures the execution time of Python.

  %time sum(range(10000))
  CPU times: user 226 μs, sys: 0 ns, total: 226 μs
  Wall time: 230 μs
output Description
Wall time The time it took from the start to the end of the program
CPU times: user user CPU time. Time required to execute the program itself
sys system CPU time. Time required for OS system call

A magic command that summarizes and returns the measured values of the results of multiple attempts. In the following cases, the time when 1000 iterations are tried 7 times is output.

  %timeit sum(range(10000))
  224 µs ± 21.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

The number of loops and the number of trials can be specified as options.

  #2000 loops, 5 trials
  %timeit -n 2000 -r 5 sum(range(10000))
  215 µs ± 17.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 5 runs, 2000 loops each)

When measuring with% timeit for multiple lines of Python code, add two leading % to %% as shown below. (Cell magics)

  %%timeit -n 1000 -r 3
  for i in range(1000):
    i * 2
  75.2 µs ± 9.58 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 3 runs, 1000 loops each)

A magic command that gets a list of code cell execution histories.

  #Get the latest 5 histories
  %history -l 5

A magic command that behaves like the UNIX command ls. Unlike ! Ls, % ls determines the type of OS and uses the commands to be executed internally. ( Ls command for macOS, dir command for Windows)

You can change the frequency of Auto Save. (Default 120 seconds)

  #Execute Auto Save once every 60 seconds.
  %autosave 60

A magic command that configures settings related to Matplotlib.

When inline is specified, the graph is drawn directly under the code cell.


If tk is specified, an interactive graph will be output in a separate window.


When notebook is specified, an interactive graph is output directly under the code cell.


--To change the output method once specified, restart the kernel.

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