Django Learning Memo


Start learning Django to learn python and web applications. Make a note of frequently used commands and what you noticed during development.

Reference page

Environmental preparation


CentOS : 6.5 python : 2.6.6 django: 1.6 (I got an error when I installed the latest 1.9. Maybe it's compatible with the python version? To get an overview of the framework, I used the old version that worked with 2.6)


$ pip install django==1.6

 Installation is successful if no error occurs with the following command
``` $ python ```
``` >>> import django ```
``` >>> quit() ```

# Development project creation
## Start the project
 After moving to the working directory, the development directory is created with the following command.

#### **` $ startproject test `**
```py startproject test 

$ ll test ```

## Database settings
 Edit the contents of test / and execute the following command.
 Main editing points
 --ENGINE: DBMS to use (django.db.backends.sqlite3 etc.)
 --INSTALLED_APPS: Application to install

#### **` $ python syncdb `**
```py syncdb 

 Create the required DB for INSTALLED_APPS.

## Start the server
 You can start the server by specifying the IP and port

#### **` $ python runserver `**

If not specified, the default is

application development

Start development

Execute the following command in the working directory.

$ python startapp polls

 The following files are created

## Model design
 --Edit to design the table required for your application.
 --Register the designed application in INATALLED_APPS in
 --Check the registered SQL with python sql polls
 --Reflected in DB

## Frequently used items on the Admin page
File : Application_Dir/ (Poll, PollAdmin): Register so that it can be edited from the Admin screen, and define detailed settings in another class (Ex: PollAdmin)

File : Project_Dir/
 --TEMPLATE_DIRS: Specify the template storage to set the look and feel. Default is under django / contrib / admin / templates / admin

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