HackerRank memo

HackerRank memo

It is a personal memo

Basic language


Raw_input () Keyboard input (python2) input () for python3

n = input() n = int(input())

.Strip () Remove whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines)


Sprit () Makes an array separated by the specified characters. If not specified in (), separate with a space or TAB


STDIN Keyboard entered value Standard input

・ Difference Difference difference of the two numbers (first - second).

・ Product multiplication product of the two numbers.

・ ʻA // b` division. Returns the quotient as an integer Truncate after the decimal point

For statement for variable in sequence

n = int(raw_input())

for i in range(n):

・ ` Lange ` i<n from i = 0 n is not included.

range(3) = [0,1,2]

・ Leap Day leap year We add a Leap Day on February 29.

・ Intercalary day The day it was plugged in The leap day is an extra, or intercalary day.

・ Evenly divided by ~ Divisible by The year can be evenly divided by 4, is a leap year.

・ ʻIf statement` Required ":" after if, elif, else.

Sum (array) Calculate the total value

list = range(5)

Str () Convert to string

n = int(input())

for i in range(n):
   a =a+str(i+1)


・ Arithmetic operations Arithmetic operator. +-*%

・ Runner-up second place you are required to find the runner-up score.

(Lambda variable: processing) (argument) Lambda function You can create a function in one line (equivalent to def) (lambda variable: processing) (argument) └ Assign arguments to processing └ Multiple arguments are possible. Enter a variable in the ranking process.

print((lambda a,b,c:a*100+b*10+c*1)(1,2,3))


Map (function, array) map function Execute a function for each element of the array. The output is a map object → Convert to list object with list (map ())

-Convert an array to an integer using the map function map = (int, array)

arr = map(int, input().split())

X ** y Exponentiation. x to the yth power

100 = 0 103 = 1000

Set () Remove duplicate values from array set type



Sorted () Arrange the array in ascending order

Extract the nth largest value sorted()[-n]

#Extract the second largest value



・ Order their names alphabetically Arrange in alphabetical order order their names alphabetically and print each one on a new line.

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