Matplotlib memo

As a learning note, I have compiled the code that can be used for visualization around Matplotlib for my own reference instead of a cheat sheet.

Basic code summary

#Import matplotlib as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Create a line graph with list x on the horizontal axis and y on the vertical axis
plt.plot(x, y)

#Create a scatter plot with list x on the horizontal axis and y on the vertical axis(Plot size is proportional to size, color is col, transparency is 0.8)
plt.scatter(x, y, s = size, c = col, alpha = 0.8))

#Create a histogram of the data in the list values in n bins
plt.hist(values, bins = n)

#Title on the graph(TITLE)Put on

#Label XXX on the horizontal axis and yyy on the vertical axis

#Specify the vertical axis(Example.From 0 to 10 in 2 increments)
#Specify the vertical axis(Example.Customize the notation in 2 increments from 0 to 10)
plt.yticks([0,2,4,6,8,10],['0','20,000','40,000','60,000','80,000','Hundred thousand'])

#Add text to a particular plot(Example.For plots with 10 on the horizontal axis and 52 on the vertical axis'text'Add text)
plt.text(10, 52, 'text')

#Show grid lines

#Draw the created figure

#Set the horizontal axis to logarithmic display

Actual plot example

Graph of GDP and population for each prefecture image.png

#Data reading
with open('data.csv','r',encoding='shift_jis') as f:
    dataReader = csv.reader(f)
    list1 = [row for row in dataReader]  
    district = list1[0]
    population = list1[1]
    GDP = list1[2]
    district = district[1:]
    population = population[1:]
    GDP = GDP[1:]
    population = [int(s) for s in population]
    GDP = [int(s) for s in GDP]
#Graph drawing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(GDP, population)
plt.title('Relationship between GDP and population')
#Name some plots
plt.text(104470026,13623937, 'Tokyo')
plt.text(1864072,569554, 'Tottori')
plt.text(39409405,7506900, 'Aichi')
plt.text(38994994,8832512, 'Osaka')
plt.text(11944686,2837348, 'Hiroshima')
plt.text(9475481,2330120, 'Miyagi')
plt.text(19018098,5351828, 'Hokkaido')
plt.text(34609343,9144504, 'Kanagawa')
plt.text(22689675,7289429, 'Saitama')
plt.text(20391622,6235725, 'Chiba')

Exhibitor: (Cabinet Office / Prefectural Accounts)

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