who command memo

The logged-in user, login time, connection source, etc. are displayed.

$ who
miisuke     pts/0        2019-07-19 13:32 (gateway.test.jp)

It may be easier to understand with the item name if you add -H.

$ who -H
Name terminal time comment
miisuke     pts/0        2019-07-19 13:32 (gateway.test.jp)

Shows the time the server started

$ who -b
         system boot  2014-07-07 14:26

Try adding the u option as well.

# who -uH
number   tty1     Nov 21 01:54  old
number   pts/1    Nov 22 01:16 06:37
hoge     pts/0    Nov 21 16:24   .   (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
number   pts/2    Nov 22 01:29 02:08
hoge     pts/3    Nov 23 03:03 00:06 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)

About the display of the IDLE column
If. Is displayed, it means that the user is operating the terminal within 1 minute. If old is displayed, it means that the user has not operated the terminal for more than 24 hours.

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