Touch django

I started studying Flask and Django with books, so I output instead of memos

MTV framework

Model: Heart, database access, etc. (SQlite / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle) Template: Associate request with html View: Routing process

Request-> View-> Model-> Template-> Response

View Routing settings redirect Error handling (404 etc.) Cookies, session concept

Model Model class: Table definition in SQL Fixture (JSON / YAML / XML): Data template migration 1: 1, many: many, 1: many relations, etc. Use variables in {{...}}, {% ...%}

Accept user input easily using Form object flash

Template Can be written in Django code in html Performs processing such as conditional branching by making full use of tags Note that operators are handled differently from python HTML escape, template inheritance (block)

Web application creation procedure

  1. Create View, register routing settings, call Template with render function
  2. Preparation of Template, temp.html

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