Django begins part 1

With the momentum of installing Python3, try installing Django.

Development environment

PC: MacOS X 10.9.4 Python3.4.1 Django1.6.6

Django installation

According to the information, it seems that Django can be installed with a package management tool called pip, so I lightly typed the pip3 command.

スクリーンショット 2014-08-31 22.08.14.png

There was no particular problem, it wasn't too daunting, and it was installed very easily.

Check Django version

I was able to install it smoothly, so let's check it according to the model.

$ python3 -c "import django; print(django.get_version())"

The above is the Python3 command, which runs the script directly. It's like importing the django package and printing the version of Django with the print function. In other words, it works fine as a script.

Another way to check the version is to use the script.

$ --version

スクリーンショット 2014-08-31 22.37.41.png

For the time being, I was able to confirm that the latest version Django 1.6.6 is installed at the moment (end of August 2014).

Django's relationship with older versions

As an aside, I tried running the python command instead of the python3 command.

スクリーンショット 2014-08-31 22.44.25.png

As expected, I got an import error that the django module was not found. You can see that Django was installed in the normal path of python3 by installing with pip3 instead of pip earlier. script

Finally, I ran the previous with no command arguments.

スクリーンショット 2014-08-31 22.34.01.png

You'll see a list of various django commands you'll use in the future. Gradually, I was looking forward to seeing the outline.

Lovely Django!!

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