Higher-order functions and decorators

Learn about higher-order functions and Python's decorator notation, which are a bit of a great version of functions.


When there is a set A and a set B, the rule f that uniquely determines the elementf (a)of the set B for any element ʻa` of the set A is called a function from A to B.

Consider a function times2 that doubles its arguments and returns

def times2(i):
    return i * 2

At this time, if 0, 1, 2 is given as ʻi`,

And a function from set ([0,1,2]) to a set of integers is defined.


Functions in programming

Functions have the following effects in programming:

By mastering the higher-order functions explained below, there are more situations where these effects can be obtained.

Function as an argument

Consider the process of applying the same value 1 to the functions that multiply the arguments by 0, multiply by 1, and double the arguments.

Compared to the definition of the function times2: set ([0, 1, 2])-> Int, the correspondence rule from the set of functionsset ([times0, times1, times2])to the set of integers I can see it.


ʻApply1` can be implemented as

def apply1(f):
    return f(1)

A function that takes a function as an argument (or a function that returns a function as seen in the next section) is called a higher-order function.

Function as a return value

A higher-order function that takes a number as an argument and returns a function

def times_n(n):
    def f(i):
        return n * i
    return f

If you use, you can use the times0, times1, times2 that came out earlier.

times0 = times_n(0)
times1 = times_n(1)
times2 = times_n(2)

Can be defined as.


>>> apply1(times0)
>>> apply1(times1)
>>> apply1(times2)

Functions from a set of functions to a set of functions

If you use a higher-order function that takes a function as an argument and returns the function

Etc. can be written in a reusable form.

def dot(g):
    "f -> g . f"
    def func(f):
        def composite(i):
            return g(f(i))
        return composite
    return func
>>> (lambda i: i*2)((lambda i: i+5)(1))
>>> f = dot(lambda i: i*2)(lambda i: i+5)
>>> f(1)

Decorator notation

When there is a higher-order function decorator that takes a function as an argument and returns the function

def function(argument):
    # ...

Will replace function withdecorator (function).

Decorator example

Write a decorator that prints a log of function calls and apply it to inefficient recursive functions.

def trace(function):
    "Decorator to print call logs"
    def inner(*args):
        "Print call logs before and after function"
        print("{0}{1}".format(function.__name__, args))
        ret = function(*args)
        print("{0}{1} ==> {2}".format(function.__name__, args, ret))
        return ret
    return inner

def fib(n):
    "Find the Fibonacci number"
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

You can see that the same calculation has been done many times.

% python3 -c 'import fib; fib.fib(4)'
fib(0,) ==> 0
fib(1,) ==> 1
fib(2,) ==> 1
fib(1,) ==> 1
fib(0,) ==> 0
fib(1,) ==> 1
fib(2,) ==> 1
fib(3,) ==> 2
fib(4,) ==> 3

TIPS: Attribute inheritance

In the previous example, the docstirng of fib and the function name would be ʻinner`.

>>> fib.__doc__
'Print call logs before and after function'
>>> fib.__name__

→ It's painful when applying the same decorator to multiple functions

from functools import wraps

def trace(function):
    "Decorator to print call logs"
    def inner(*args):
        "Print call logs before and after function"

If you leave

>>> fib.__doc__
'Find the Fibonacci number'
>>> fib.__name__

And inherits the docstring and name of the original function. Useful when viewing a stack trace

TIPS: * args and ** kwargs

You can write more generic decorators using * args and ** kwargs.

TIPS: Do not replace

Decorators don't necessarily have to replace a function with a new one. For example

Etc. are also possible.


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