Google Cloud Functions log output (and addicted)

Thing you want to do

--Language: Python --I want to output logs to Stack Driver Logging with Google Cloud Functions. --Looking at the docs, it says print"

What i did

--Use google-cloud-logging --Added google-cloud-logging == 1.14.0 to requirements.txt

# Imports the Google Cloud client library
import logging
from import logging as glogging

client = glogging.Client(project=os.environ['PROJECT_ID'])
handler = client.get_default_handler()
cloud_logger = logging.getLogger('cloudLogger')

def test_method(request):

  print('== start ==')

  try:'Info Message')
    cloud_logger.warn('Warn Message')
    raise Exception
  except Exception:
    cloud_logger.error('Error Message')
    raise Exception

  print('== finish ==')

Run, but no log

――Nothing comes out.

1_test.png 2_log.png

Cause (imagination)

――Even if you do print, the result does not change ... --Apparently, Google Cloud Functions does not output the log up to that point when it crashes (= abnormal termination) --Is there a description somewhere in the document ... --So if you get an Exception, catch it and finally change it to sys.exit ()

import sys
  try:'Info Message')
    cloud_logger.warn('Warn Message')
    raise Exception
  except Exception:
    cloud_logger.error('Error Message')

  print('== finish ==')

Rerun, and error



Google Cloud Functions service account

--The documentation states that the default service account for Google Cloud Functions is [email protected] (App Engine default service account). Apparently he has the role of project editor. - ――When you look at SA, that kind of thing is certainly born. ――When you look at your environment ... No! ――It seems that it was gone for some reason


--Create a dedicated SA and link it to Google Cloud Functions. ――Logs are now displayed properly --Why are the error levels only info and error ... 4_log.png

Looking back

--Read the document properly ――I may not have written it ――Let's create and use an SA with the necessary privileges without using the default SA by wearing it sideways. --Cloud Functions ** Do not drop **. End normally --If you want to monitor the operation status, look at the number of error messages in the log instead of the number of errors (Is there only ...?)

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