(For myself) Flask_AWS_1 (Install PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Python in AWS virtual environment)


  1. PHP installation
  2. Install MySQL
  3. Install PHPMyAdmin
  4. Python installation

1. PHP installation


#Connect to a Linux virtual machine first, if you don't remember this, look at the previous one
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/FirstKey.pem ec2-user@(Public IP)

#Change to administrator privileges
$$ sudo su

#Install PHP
$$ yum install -y php

#Make a backup before changing PHP settings
$$ cp /etc/php.ini /etc/php.bak

#Change PHP settings with vi
$$ vi /etc/php.ini

--Display line numbers with : set number --Move to line 520 with : 520 --Set to description mode with ʻi and change the line ʻerror_reporting = E_ALL & ~ E_DEPRECATED to ʻerror_reporting = E_ALL & ~ E_DEPRECATED & ~ E_NOTICE --Return to command mode with ʻesc --Go to line 537 with : 537 --Changed display_errors = Off from ʻi to ʻOn, ʻesc --End saving with: wq`


#Restart Apache and apply
$$ service httpd restart

# [OK]*2 If it comes out, maybe it's okay

2. Install MySQL

--Assuming that you are logged in with administrator privileges as you did last time


#MySQL installation
$$ yum install -y mysql-server

#Put something that makes MySQL work nicely with PHP
$$ yum install -y php-mysqlnd

#It feels good in Python
$$ yum install mysql-connector-python

#Start MySQL
$$ service mysqld start

#This and that of MySQL settings
$$ mysql_secure_installation
#Enter as it is when you are asked for the first root password
#You will be asked if you want to change the root password, so yes
#Enter your favorite password
#Anonymous user will ask if you want to delete it, so yes
#After that, all y is fine

#Set the character code in MySQL
$$ vi /etc/my.cnf

# `:set number`Display the number of lines with and the 10th blank line
$$ character-set-server = utf8
#Enter, but repeat`i`After inputting with`esc`In command mode
# `:wq`End of saving with

#Restart MySQL
$$ service mysqld restart
#[OK]If it comes out`OK`

3. Install PHPMyAdmin

--Continued from the previous time, it is assumed that you are in the administrator authority of the virtual environment


#Create installation destination for phpMyAdmin
$$ yum-config-manager --enable epel

#Install phpMyAdmin
$$ yum install -y phpmyadmin

#Open phpMyAdmin settings
$$ vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
#Here 127.0.0.If you change the place where 1 is written to global IP, only your local machine can change the connection.
#I don't have to do it
#If you want to change`:%s/ global IP/g`Change with

#Restart apache
$$ service httpd restart

--http: // When you connect to the AWS public IP / phpmyadmin /set earlier, the phpMyAdmin page will appear. --Enter the user name root and the password set in the MySQL installation

4. Python installation

--Continued from before In virtual environment (not administrator privileges)


#One Linux environment update
$$ sudo yum -y update

#Python installation
$$ sudo yum install python36-devel python36-libs python36-setuptools
#I already have the one that makes MySQL look good in Python

#Restart apache
$$ service httpd restart

5. At the end

――The worst environment construction is the most boring

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