[JAVA] [Personal notes] Frequently used IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts

Especially, I often forget Windows shortcuts, so make a note. The order has no particular meaning.

Thing you want to do macOS Windows
Read the air Option + Enter Alt + Enter
Move to file list Command + 1 Alt + 1
Go to editor Esc Esc
Move to recently opened one Control + Tab (*n times) Ctrl + Tab (*n times)
List of recently opened items Command + E Ctrl + E
Maximize the editor Shift + Command + F12 Ctrl + Shift + F12
Move to terminal Option + F12 ???
Create New Command + N Alt + Insert
change name Shift + F6 Ctrl + F6
Run Control + Shift + R Ctrl + Shift + F10
Debug execution Control + Shift + D -
Jump to definition source Command + B Ctrl + B
Search for used parts Option + F7 Alt + F7
Search anything Shift + Shift Shift + Shift
Line break below Shift + Enter Shift + Enter
Range selection Option + ↑ (↓) (Shift + ) Ctrl + W

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