Beginners create web applications with Java and MySQL (adding at any time)


This article is proceeding as I wrote last time. I started Qiita. First of all, the goal is to create a portfolio and get a job.

I will write about the process of creating past Web applications, As a result, the goal is to put it together as a portfolio.

I will frankly describe what I do not understand, so I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice. While searching for beginners, I am constantly adding to it. (August 24, 2020-)


Learned "Java", "MySQL", "Servlet and JSP" at a programming school, As a culmination of that, I decided to create a web application.

As a result of group discussions, we decided to create an [app that is useful when shopping].

I myself, every time I shop "Well, wasn't the detergent going to run out? Was there anything else out of stock?" What I thought was that I felt annoyed.

I wanted to deepen my understanding of programming by creating apps that solve everyday problems.

Main function

--Register consumables (item information) to purchase on a regular basis --Enter the purchase date for the product each time

By automatically calculating the purchase history of each product from the above information, It will let you know, "Isn't it time to buy it?"

Other detailed features will be described later.


language:     Java 8.0.14

IDE:     Eclipse 4.8.0

DB:     MySQL 8.0.19     MySQL 5.7.26(MAMP 5.7)

** CSS framework: **     Bootstrap 4.3.1

Development environment:     Windows10     MacOS Mojave 10.14.5     Apache Tomcat 8.5.32

To be honest, I'm not sure how to write this, but I've checked the version etc.

I used both Windows and Mac at school and at home, respectively.

Unfortunately, the development of the local environment has stopped at present. By the time I finish writing this, I will try to challenge the production environment.


-Create portfolio with PHP + MySQL

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