Try operating Studio Library from Python. [Anim Save]

I will show you how to operate animation registration in Studio Library from Python.

Samples are available on the creator's GitHub, so it is recommended that you check this first.


Animation registration

If you want to save the animation of the selected rig to the D drive as Tanuki.anim.


# studiolibrary2.7.1
import os
import maya.cmds as cmds
from studiolibrarymaya import animitem

path    = os.path.join("D:/studiolibrary/root/dev", "Tanuki.anim")
objects = or []

# Saving an animation item
if objects :
        objects         = objects, 
        frameRange      = (0, 40),
        fileType        = "mayaAscii",
        thumbnail       = "D:/studiolibrary/image/tibitanu.jpg ",
        comment         = "This is Tanuki",
        bakeConnected   = False,

Explanation of flags used in save

Execution result

When you actually move it, it looks like this.


image.png Chibitanu is good

For versions prior to studiolibrary 2.5.7

If you are using a version earlier than studiolibrary 2.5.7, the writing method is slightly different. Note that you need to instantiate the item once.

# studiolibrary2.5.7
import os
import maya.cmds as cmds
from studiolibrarymaya import animitem

path    = os.path.join("D:/studiolibrary/root/dev", "Tanuki.anim")
objects = or []

item = animitem.AnimItem(path)

# Saving an animation item
if objects :
        objects         = objects, 
        frameRange      = (0, 40),
        fileType        = "mayaAscii",
        bakeConnected   = False,

Next time, I will write how to load animation in Studio Library using Python.

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