Application to display and search local memos (diary) in Python

I've been away from programming for a long time, but my desire to make something has reached its limit It doesn't make much sense to make it yourself It was going to be a good rehabilitation practice, so I started making it.

The things (planned) that we are planning to realize are as follows. -A list of files under a certain directory can be displayed (the contents can also be displayed). -Keyword (regular expression) search is possible -Display the result on GUI (Can I display it on a WEB browser?)

I haven't done the GUI part at all yet, but I was able to search. The composition is like this so far.

source file function Body. Call when exe is made Class to implement the command equivalent around CUI Class that implements around GUI Class for saving search results

Implemented as follows. I'm new to it, so there are likely to be many better implementations.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2014/11/26

@author: kuromame
from PyCMemo import PyCMemo

#cmemo = PyCMemo("/Users/kuromame/Desktop");
cmemo = PyCMemo();


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2014/11/26

@author: kuromame

#Import required modules
import os;
import sys;
import re;
import codecs;

class PyCMemo:
    def __init__(self,root_dir=''):
        #Initialization of class members
        self.pwd = '';                  #Root directory when searching
        self.file_list = [];            #List of searched files
        self.pattern = [];              #Search word(Regular expression possible).リスト形式で最後尾が最新のSearch word.
        self.isRead = 0;                #Flag for confirming whether you have searched even once
        #Specify the current directory or the specified directory
        if root_dir != '':              
            self.pwd = root_dir;
            self.pwd = '';                  

    def ReadDir(self):
        #Variable initialization
        if self.pwd == '':
            self.pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__));
        #Search under the current directory.
        #Search from the top down.
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.pwd):
            for file_ in files:
                full_path = os.path.join(root, file_);
        #Sort search results
    def SearchString(self,pattern):
        #Variable initialization
        #Regular expression search engine initialization
        ptn = re.compile(self.pattern[-1]);
        #Call ReadDir if the file has never been read
        if self.isRead == 0: self.ReadDir(),
        self.isRead = 1;
        #Recursively search for files
        for fname in self.file_list:
            print('=Start search=');
                fp =,'r','utf-8');
                line_num = 1;
                    for line in fp.readlines():
                        if print(fname,line_num,line),
                        line_num += 1;
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    print("Could not search due to an encoding error.")
                    #Do nothing unexpectedly.(Originally, it is necessary to devise such as throwing an exception)
                print('=Search end=')

By the way, from this time on, I started to put the code on GitHub in practice.

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