[Python] Use a string sequence


We are proceeding with Python learning according to Learning Roadmap for Python Beginners on Tommy's blog. This time, refer to [Python] Summary of how to use string sequences. It deals with the concept of sequences and how to use strings.

Target person

--Those who are studying on Tomi-san's blog --For those who want to get an overview of string sequences


Google Colaboratory

content of study

  1. About Python sequences What is a sequence? ** A warehouse (aggregate) that stores variables **

  2. What is a string sequence? x = "string" In the case of, "x is a variable", which means that the character string is stored in x.

  3. Slice ← ** Extract the stored character element **

x = "12345Python"

x [0] Slice the 0th of x 1 ← 0 is on the far left (Python is customary)

x [-11] Slice the 11th from the right 1 ← 11th (that is, 0th) 1 counting from the right

x [0: 3] Slice from 0 to 3 123 ← I got from 0 to 3

x [:] All slices 12345Python ← I brought all the strings

x[0:12:2] '135yhn' ← Slice from 0 to 12 at 2 intervals

The method of acquiring the character string differs depending on the format in [], so use it properly according to the purpose.


[Python] Summary of how to use string sequences

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