Use LiquidTap Python Client ①

table of contents


The API of "Liquid by Quoine" is open to the public, so I'll try various things. First, from the WebSocket service.

Get "Order Book" of "Liquid by Quoine"

Install the library and try to get BTC / JPY. (2020.01.22)

Install library

$ pip3 install liquidtap

Write the code with reference to the original sample


import liquidtap
import time

def update_callback_buy(data):
    print("buy:" + data)

def update_callback_sell(data):
    print("sell:" + data)

def on_connect(data):
    tap.pusher.subscribe("price_ladders_cash_btcjpy_buy").bind('updated', update_callback_buy)
    tap.pusher.subscribe("price_ladders_cash_btcjpy_sell").bind('updated', update_callback_sell)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tap = liquidtap.Client()
    tap.pusher.connection.bind('pusher:connection_established', on_connect)

    while True: #infinite loop


If you run it and you see buy and sell (in many lines), you are successful.

$ python3

It was displayed safely. It's an infinite loop, so press Ctrl + c to stop it. .. ..

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