[Python] df Read and do the first memo (NaN confirmation etc.)

Purpose of this article

Taking the Titanic data as an example, make a note of what you do first to see the characteristics of the data. Usually, pandas-profiling may be better because it gives you more detailed information.

Library load

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)

import warnings
import collections

Data preparation

!wget https://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/cs/cs109/cs109.1166/stuff/titanic.csv

Data reading & a little processing

filename = "/content/titanic.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='utf-8')

#Make NaN properly
df["Name"] = [di if np.random.rand()>0.1 else float("nan") for di in df["Name"]]
df["Sex"] = [di if np.random.rand()>0.01 else float("nan") for di in df["Sex"]]
df["Age"] = [di if np.random.rand()>0.05 else float("nan") for di in df["Age"]]

#family name
df["f_Name"] = [str(di).split(" ")[-1] if len(str(di).split(" "))>1 else float("nan") for di in df["Name"]]

You can create a data frame like this.


I will use collections.Counter later, but if the NaN value isfloat ("nan"), it will not be aggregated well, so replace it with np.nan. For more information, see here

df = df.replace(float("nan"), np.nan)

Define the data types one by one.

target = "Survived"
cate_list = ["Pclass", "Name", "f_Name", "Sex", "Siblings/Spouses Aboard", "Parents/Children Aboard"]
num_list = ["Age", "Fare"]

all_list = cate_list+num_list

The following is the main process.

n = df.shape[0]
max_n_unique = 10


#category only
for colname in all_list:

    if colname in cate_list: #cate
        n_unique = len(df[colname].unique())
        min_data = np.nan
        max_data = np.nan

        if n_unique>max_n_unique: #If there are many categories
            c = collections.Counter(df[colname])
            c_dict = dict(c.most_common(max_n_unique-1))
            #k_list = [k for k,v in c_dict.items()]
            v_list = [v/n for k,v in c_dict.items()]
            major_data_rate = np.sum(v_list)
            major_data_rate = np.nan

    else: #num
        n_unique = np.nan
        major_data_rate = np.nan
        min_data = df[colname].min()
        max_data = df[colname].max()


have_nan = df.loc[:,all_list].isnull().any(axis=0)
nan_rate = df.loc[:,all_list].isnull().sum(axis=0)/n

summary_df = pd.DataFrame({"colname":all_list,

You can create a data frame that summarizes the characteristics of such variables.


major_data_rate considers the number specified by max_n_unique, for example, 10 frequently occurring Top 10 data as major, and calculates the ratio of that data. (It is assumed that other than Top 10 will be summarized by ʻothers` etc. in the later processing.)


stack overflow:Why does collections.Counter treat numpy.nan as equal? CS109:A Titanic Probability GitHub:pandas-profiling

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