This article Explanation about BERT! Let's make a prediction using the Japanese model! If you follow the street, you can easily experience BERT on Google cola boratory.
I wondered if it could be used publicly on a cheap server instead of on Google colaboratory, so I tried running it on Sakura VPS1G (800 yen per month).
The point is that the GPU that can be used with Google colaboratory cannot be used with Sakura VPS, so it is necessary to install the CPU version of the library.
Sakura VPS Memory 1 GB, storage SSD 50 GB, CPU 2 cores (800 yen per month) Standard installation CentOS8 x86_64
First of all, referring to the following article, I created an "anaconda" user and created an environment "ml_env" for machine learning. In the article, it was built with Centos 7.7, but I had no problems with CentOS 8. [Part 1] Build a Python machine learning development environment on CentOS (Anaconda installation) --Qiita
Continuing from the above article, we will activate the machine learning environment "ml_env" as an "anaconda" user and introduce BERT in this environment.
pip install transformers[tf-cpu]
pip install torch==1.7.0+cpu torchvision==0.8.1+cpu torchaudio===0.7.0 -f
conda install pytorch
, I get an error likeIllegal instruction (core dumped)
. It seems to be a GPU related error, so I installed the CPU version as above. This command is for "START LOCALLY" in
You have now installed the required libraries.
Next, [Kurobashi / Kawahara / Murawaki Laboratory](] of Kyoto University 9C% AC% E8% AA% 9EPretrained% E3% 83% A2% E3% 83% 87% E3% 83% AB) is available for download, BERT Japanese Pretrained model.
Assuming you are currently in / home / anaconda /
as an anaconda user, create and move the directory / home / anaconda / bert / japan_test
to store your Japanese model.
mkdir bert
cd bert
mkdir japan_test
cd japan_test
Then download, unzip, and delete the download file.
curl -OL
rm -rf
The model is now installed at / home / anaconda / bert / japan_test / apanese_L-12_H-768_A-12_E-30_BPE
Exit from the directory you created.
cd ../..
Place the Python program file
here for the BERT test in/ home / anaconda /
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForMaskedLM, BertConfig
import torch
import numpy as np
config = BertConfig.from_json_file('/home/anaconda/bert/japan_test/Japanese_L-12_H-768_A-12_E-30_BPE/bert_config.json')
model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('/home/anaconda/bert/japan_test/Japanese_L-12_H-768_A-12_E-30_BPE/pytorch_model.bin', config=config)
bert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer('/home/anaconda/bert/japan_test/Japanese_L-12_H-768_A-12_E-30_BPE/vocab.txt',
do_lower_case=False, do_basic_tokenize=False)
tokenized_text = ['[CLS]', 'Once upon a time', 'Urashima', 'That', 'Fisherman', 'But', 'Live', 'Was there', '。'
, 'is there', 'Day', '、', '[MASK]', 'But', 'beach', 'To', 'Walking', 'When you are', '[SEP]']
masked_index = 12
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(tokens_tensor)
predictions = outputs[0]
predicted_tokens = bert_tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(predicted_indexes.tolist())
This program
['[CLS]', 'Once upon a time', 'Urashima', 'That', 'Fisherman', 'But', 'Live', 'Was there', '。', 'is there', 'Day', '、', '[MASK]', 'But', 'beach', 'To', 'Walking', 'When you are', '[SEP]']
Predict the words that go into the [MASK]
If you run it with
['Fisherman', '[UNK]', 'Man', 'people', 'Man', 'Youth', 'woman', '役Man', 'boy', 'fish']
That's the result. You have succeeded in running BERT.
I wanted to use this BERT analysis result in a web application, so I set up a local web server in Flask and made the BERT model daemonized (resident) in Flask. Then I set up a web server with Apache and published it as an API. In other words, when I access the Apache API from the outside, the API program accesses the BERT on Flask and obtains the analysis result of the BERT. that is,
It will be. Please try it if you like.
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