API that can get data on Twitter
For more information,
-About Twitter API -Official document
For the API acquisition method, refer to Summary of procedures from Twitter API registration (account application method) to approval * Information may be out of date
Social graph - Wikipedia The social graph is a graph that represents social relations between entities. In short, it is a model or representation of a social network, where the word graph has been taken from graph theory.
A graph showing the social relationship between objects (= nodes). Express the friendship with a line (= edge).
API acquisition is omitted
Library import
import json
import random
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
import emoji
import networkx as nx
Store token in variable
CK = '***************************'
CS = '***************************'
AT = '***************************'
ATS ='***************************'
Function definition
def get_twitter_session():
return OAuth1Session(CK, CS, AT, ATS)
Decide what you want to draw
user_list = ['himemoriluna','tokoyamitowa', 'amanekanatach','tsunomakiwatame','kiryucoco']
Create a simple dictionary for drawing
user_id_list = []
user_name_list = []
for user_screenname_t in user_list:
ENDPOINT = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json'
SEARCH_WORD_SCREENNAME = user_screenname # twitter_ID
twitter = get_twitter_session()
params = {'screen_name': SEARCH_WORD_SCREENNAME}
req = twitter.get(ENDPOINT, params=params)
req_json = json.loads(req.text)
user_id_list += [req_json['id']]
user_name_list += [req_json['name']]
target_id_dict = {}
for i in range(0,5):
target_id_dict[user_id_list[i]] = user_list[i]
# {1200396798281445376: 'himemoriluna',
# 1200357161747939328: 'tokoyamitowa',
# 1200396304360206337: 'amanekanatach',
# 1200397643479805957: 'tsunomakiwatame',
# 1200397238788247552: 'kiryucoco'}
target_name_dict = {}
for i in range(0,5):
target_name_dict[user_list[i]] = user_name_list[i]
# {'himemoriluna': 'Himemori Luna',
# 'tokoyamitowa': 'Everlasting Towa',
# 'amanekanatach': 'Amane Kanata',
# 'tsunomakiwatame': 'For square winding',
# 'kiryucoco': 'Kiryu Coco'}
ʻGet the user that the user specified by user_list` is following and keep the result in dictionary type.
follow_ids_dict = {}
for user_id in user_id_list:
ENDPOINT = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/friends/ids.json'
SEARCH_WORD_ID = user_id
twitter = get_twitter_session()
params = {'screen_name': SEARCH_WORD_SCREENNAME}
req = twitter.get(ENDPOINT, params=params)
#Get up to 5000 follow-up information
follow_ids = json.loads(req.text)
follow_ids_dict[user_id] = follow_ids['ids']
Create a dictionary to hold user names
follow_name_dict = {}
follow_screenname_dict = {}
for user_id in follow_ids_dict.keys():
follow_name_list = []
follow_screenname_list = []
for user_id_nt in follow_ids_dict[user_id]:
ENDPOINT = endpoint['user']
SEARCH_WORD_ID = user_id_nt
twitter = get_twitter_session()
params = {'user_id': SEARCH_WORD_ID}
req = twitter.get(ENDPOINT, params=params)
req_json = json.loads(req.text)
follow_name_list += [req_json['name']]
follow_screenname_list += [req_json["screen_name"]]
follow_name_dict[target_name_dict[user_id]] = follow_name_list
follow_screenname_dict[target_name_dict[user_id]] = follow_screenname_list
This time, we visualize a graph in which the branches are oriented (directed branches) and the branches are weighted.
(It is troublesome if the emoji is displayed by the way, so delete it)
def remove_emoji(str_):
return ''.join(c for c in str_ if c not in emoji.UNICODE_EMOJI)
#Select one of the following
# use_dict = follow_ids_dict #Visualize with internal ID
# use_dict = follow_screenname_dict #User ID(@xxxx)Visualize with
use_dict = follow_name_dict #Visualize by user name
Row_From = [] #start point
Row_To = [] #end point
for i in use_dict.keys():
for j in follow_name_dict[i]:
Row_From += [remove_emoji(target_name_dict[i])]
Row_To += [remove_emoji(j)]
result = pd.DataFrame(
data={'From':Row_From, 'To':Row_To},
columns=['From', 'To'])
From | To | |
0 | Himemori Luna | Talented Otouf |
1 | Himemori Luna | ROG Global |
2 | Himemori Luna | Fall Guys |
3 | Himemori Luna | Tomari |
4 | Himemori Luna | Nishizawa 5㍉ |
Since the purpose of this time is a visualization experiment, the weight of the branch is decided appropriately with a random number.
def return_randint(num):
return random.randrange(1, 10000)/1000000000
result['WC'] = 0
result['WC'] = result['WC'].apply(return_randint)
network = result
From | To | WC | |
0 | Himemori Luna | Talented Otouf | 7.649000e-06 |
1 | Himemori Luna | ROG Global | 7.657000e-06 |
2 | Himemori Luna | Fall Guys | 9.127000e-06 |
3 | Himemori Luna | Tomari | 4.878000e-06 |
4 | Himemori Luna | Nishizawa 5㍉ | 8.054000e-06 |
The default font_family
can only display alphanumeric characters. Specify because you want to display Japanese.
network_np = network.values
G = nx.DiGraph()
weighted_edges = []
for i in range(len(network)):
weighted_edges += [list(network.iloc[i])]
G_practice = nx.DiGraph()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40, 40), dpi=100,facecolor='w', linewidth=0, edgecolor='w')
↑ I was able to draw something like this ('ω')
This time, the graph of social relationships was realized based on the follow-up information on Tiwtter. In the future, we will search for variables that can describe relationships more accurately, and based on that, we will adjust the weights of branches and cut out.
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