Install Neo4j 4.1.3 on centOS

Notes on installing neo4j 4.1.3 on centos

Install java11

# yum install -y java-11-openjdk

Install cypher-shell

# curl -O
# rpm -U cypher-shell-4.1.2-1.noarch.rpm

install neo4j

#curl -O
# rpm -U neo4j-4.1.3-1.noarch.rpm

Version confirmation

If multiple versions of java are included, an error will occur!

# neo4j version
neo4j 4.1.3

Various settings

sudo vi /etc/systemd/user.conf


sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf


neo4j	soft	nofile	60000
neo4j	hard	nofile	60000
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo vi /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf


dbms.connector.https.address=<IP address of the server>:7474

neo4j started

sudo neo4j start


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