It's an implementation of ConnectionPool in

Available connections and used connections

List of connections available in _available_connections Total number of connections created so far with _created_connections _in_use_connection sets the connection you are currently using

If there is a connection that can be used from _available_connections with the get_connection method, it will be fetched by pop. If not, create a new connection with make_connection and add it to _in_use_connection

Return the connection to pook with the release method. (remove from _in_use_connection, _available_connections and append)

Open the pool with disconnect

How it is actually used

In the execute_command method of the StrictRedis class Get connection from pool with get_connection method Execute a command using a connection, and if the command execution ends normally or abnormally, return a connection with (finally) release (in the case of an abnormality, discard the connection from the pool and create a new connection)


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