Isn't tesseract a "tesseract"? Here Please read and understand. Jupyter is Jupyter and Tensorflow is TensorFlow. As a former English teacher, I can't give up here.
I was scolded that the argument -psm was useless.
File "C:\Users\hogehoge\Anaconda3\envs\pyocr\lib\site-packages\pyocr\", line 362, in image_to_string
raise TesseractError(status, errors)
pyocr.error.TesseractError: (1, b"Error, unknown command line argument '-psm'\r\n")
The argument -psm is useless, but --psm seems to be OK. Hey.
command = [TESSERACT_CMD, "input.bmp", 'stdout', "--psm", "0"]
tess_flags = ["--psm", str(tesseract_layout)]
[Page here]( I referred to clnk & gl = jp & client = firefox-be), but it's Google's cache, isn't it?
If you look at the entire blog, there are only hack articles, so is it your intention to unify the categories?
(No, it seems that this problem has been solved, but the problem that I want to solve using the original OCR has not been solved ...)
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