An error occurred in scikit-learn imputer

It is a memorandum.

Perhaps because I haven't caught up with the evolution of libraries around Python3 and opportunity learning, I left it here because there was an article with a description of the old state.

from sklearn.preproceccing import Imputer

imp = Imputer(strategy="mean",axis=0)

The above is the description used when calculating the average value of missing values, but it seems that it has already been abolished by the version. Therefore, an error will occur depending on the version. (Slightly clogged ...) After a lot of research, I found the following article, so if you want to know more about it, it is best to look at this article.

I tried to deal with the scikit-learn warning that I encountered during copying

Then, how can I get an error?

from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

imp = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')

It seems that it can be calculated by using SimpleImputer. It's good to study using books, but there are some errors like this, which is a pitfall.

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