[JAVA] gradle tasks Japanese translation

Japanese translation of the help message output when gradle tasks are executed.

All tasks that can be executed from the root project

Build configuration task

gradle init Initialize a new Gradle project.

gradle wrapper Generate a Gradle wrapper file.

Help task

gradle buildEnvironment Display all dependency information declared in source of the root project.

gradle components View the components generated by the root project source. [In development]

gradle dependencies Show all dependency information declared in the root project.

gradle dependencyInsight View insights into specific dependencies in the root project's source.

gradle dependentCompononts View the dependent components of the components in the root project's source. [In development]

gradle help Display a help message.

gradle model Display the setting system of source of the root project. [In development]

gradle projects View the source subproject of the root project.

gradle properties Display the properties of the project's source.

gradle tasks View tasks that can be performed from the root project source.

gradle tasks --all View all tasks and view more detailed information.

gradle help --task task View details about the task.

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