Let's make a spot sale service 2
This time, we will create an item management function so that you can sell your favorite items.
Functions required for item management
- Circle name, circle image
- Corrected above, show / hide circles
- Item name, item description, quantity sold, thumbnails, shipping method, sales amount registration
- The above corrections, item display / non-display
will become necessary. It seems interesting that the payment method is compatible with Bitcoin in addition to Japanese yen.
Screen transition

From the field map screen prepared last time, assuming such a transition
- Route A if you have never made a circle
- Route B if a circle has already been created
- Registration of circle images allows you to get icons from twitter and facebook
I'm thinking
This work
Click here for brunch
- DB design and coding around circles & items
- Although it is not in the screen transition, one user can have multiple circles
- Next time will be API implementation
Future tasks
- I want to change the UI color
- Unknown shipping method