I'm trying to study machine learning after installing Miniconda and building a virtual environment. Due to the large size of Anaconda, I decided to install Miniconda.
After installing Miniconda, when I enter the conda command, it looks like this and I can no longer proceed. "Not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
Currently, it has been resolved, so I will describe the remedy.
① Set environment variables There seem to be two ways to set it from the command prompt and the control panel. This time, I set it from the control panel.
Control Panel> System and Security> System> Advanced System Settings
If you proceed, the system properties will be displayed.
Then proceed as follows. Advanced tab> Environment Variables> Path
After selecting Path, select Edit> New and select Described the file path to the directory where Miniconda is stored.
② Run Anaconda Prompt as an administrator Once I was able to set the environment variables, I ran Anaconda Prompt as an administrator and entered the conda command and it worked.
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