Try the Variational-Quantum-Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm with Blueqat

\def\bra#1{\mathinner{\left\langle{#1}\right|}} \def\ket#1{\mathinner{\left|{#1}\right\rangle}} \def\braket#1#2{\mathinner{\left\langle{#1}\middle|#2\right\rangle}}

After practicing the quantum gate simulator Blueqat, let's find a simple Hamiltonian base energy using the VQE algorithm. What is Blueqat: What is VQE: Other referenced pages:


This time, like this article, RY to state $ \ ket {0} = (1, 0) ^ {\ mathrm {T}} $ By making the ($ \ theta $) gate work, a state $ \ ket {\ psi (\ theta)} $ that depends on the parameter $ \ theta $ is created. Calculate the inner product $ \ braket {\ psi (\ theta)} {H \ psi (\ theta)} $ with various $ \ theta $ values, Due to the Variational Method (, this dot product $ \ braket {\ psi (\ theta)} {H \ psi (\ theta)} $ is the smallest By finding the $ \ theta (= \ theta_ {\ mathrm {min}}) $ that becomes, the ground state $ \ ket {\ psi (\ theta_ {\ mathrm {min}})} $ is found. The RY ($ \ theta $) gate is an operation that rotates the state around the y-axis of the bloch sphere.

RY(\theta) = 
            \cos{\Big( \frac{\theta}{2}\Big)} & -\sin{\Big( \frac{\theta}{2}\Big)} \\
             \sin{\Big( \frac{\theta}{2}\Big)} &  \cos{\Big( \frac{\theta}{2}\Big)}\\

Also this time, as Hamiltonian $ H $, Pauli matrices $ Z $ as in this article

Z = \left(
            1 & 0 \\
            0 & -1\\

Is used. Originally, $ Z $ is diagonalized, and its ground state is $ \ ket {1} = (0, 1) ^ {\ mathrm {T}} $ (complex multiple), so this parameter $ The \ theta $ search is successful if it is found that $ \ theta = \ pi $ is a parameter that gives the ground state. Because in this setting

\ket{\psi(\theta = \pi)} = \left(
            \cos{\Big( \frac{\pi}{2}\Big)} & -\sin{\Big( \frac{\pi}{2}\Big)} \\
             \sin{\Big( \frac{\pi}{2}\Big)} &  \cos{\Big( \frac{\pi}{2}\Big)}\\
            1  \\
             0 \\
            0 & -1 \\
            1 &  0\\
            1  \\
             0 \\
            0  \\
             1 \\

That is why.

Actually try using Blueqat

Do it with jupyter notebook. If you haven't installed Blueqat, install pip below.

!pip3 install blueqat

Import the library used this time

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from blueqat import Circuit

First, as a parameter candidate, prepare a parameter from $ 0 $ to $ 2 \ pi $ divided into 20 equal parts.

angles = np.linspace(0.0,2*np.pi,20)
# array([0.        , 0.33069396, 0.66138793, 0.99208189, 1.32277585,
#       1.65346982, 1.98416378, 2.31485774, 2.64555171, 2.97624567,
#       3.30693964, 3.6376336 , 3.96832756, 4.29902153, 4.62971549,
#       4.96040945, 5.29110342, 5.62179738, 5.95249134, 6.28318531])

First, use the fourth angle (angle [3] = 0.99208189) to calculate the inner product $ \ braket {\ psi (\ theta)} {H \ psi (\ theta)} $. In Blueqat, you can build a gate circuit by first preparing a circuit (Circuit ()) and adding a gate (RY gate this time) to it. The RY gate may add ry ({angle}) [{qubit number to act}] as follows.


Also, when the run method is executed on the gate circuit, the state vector at that stage is obtained by numpy.

#Because it is in the initial state| 0>
# array([1.+0.j])

# | 0>State after applying RY gate to
# array([0.87947375+0.j, 0.47594739+0.j])

Now, let's actually calculate the inner product $ \ braket {\ psi (\ theta)} {H \ psi (\ theta)} $. First, $ \ ket {\ psi (\ theta)} $ looks like this:

psi = Circuit().ry(angles[3])[0].run()
# array([0.87947375+0.j, 0.47594739+0.j])

Then, $ \ ket {H \ psi (\ theta)} $ becomes as follows.

h_psi = Circuit().ry(angles[3])[0].z[0].run()
# array([ 0.87947375+0.j, -0.47594739+0.j])

From these, the inner product $ \ braket {\ psi (\ theta)} {H \ psi (\ theta)} $ is as follows., h_psi)
# (0.5469481581224267+0j)

Then, calculate this inner product for the first 20 angles created, plot the horizontal axis as the angle and the vertical axis as the inner product, and draw a line as follows.

energies = []
for angle in angles:
    psi = Circuit().ry(angle)[0].run()
    z_psi = Circuit().ry(angle)[0].z[0].run()
    energies.append(, z_psi))
plt.ylabel('Expectation value') 
plt.plot(angles, energies) 
スクリーンショット 2020-02-09 20.52.21.png

It seems that the minimum value is taken near $ \ theta = 3 $, so the VQE algorithm is successful. By the way, when creating a state $ \ ket {\ psi (\ theta)} $ that depends on the parameter $ \ theta , you can use the RX ( \ theta ) gate instead of the RY ( \ theta ) gate. The VQE algorithm succeeds. However, it does not succeed at the RZ ( \ theta ) gate. That is RZ ( \ theta $)

RZ(\theta) = 
            e^{-i\frac{\theta}{2}} & 0 \\
             0 &  e^{ i\frac{\theta}{2}}\\

The state $ \ ket {\ psi (\ theta)} $ created by this is in the form of

\ket{\psi(\theta)} = \left(
            e^{-i\frac{\theta}{2}} & 0 \\
             0 &  e^{ i\frac{\theta}{2}}\\
            1  \\
             0 \\
            e^{-i\frac{\theta}{2}}  \\
             0 \\
            1  \\
             0 \\

This is because the ground state $ \ ket {1} = (0, 1) ^ {\ mathrm {T}} $ (complex multiple) cannot be created with the value of any parameter $ \ theta $.


Quantum computer fun

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