Send messages and images using LineNotify

Try sending Fortnite images and messages using LineNotify.

First, log in to the LINE Notify site and issue a token.

・ Mac ・ Python

(1) Directory structure Save gazo.jpeg in images.


(2) Describe The code is as follows.

import requests,os

#------When sending an image----------------------------
def main_gazo():
    url = ""
    token = "*********************************"
    headers = {"Authorization" : "Bearer "+ token}

    message = 'Fortnite!'
    payload = {"message" :  message}
    #Gazo in the images folder.jpg
    files = {"imageFile":open('images/gazo.jpeg','rb')}
  #rb reads the binary file
    post = ,headers = headers ,params=payload,files=files)

#------When sending a message----------------------------
def main():
    url = ""
    token = "*********************************"
    headers = {"Authorization" : "Bearer "+ token}

    message = 'Fortnite!'
    payload = {"message" :  message}

    r = ,headers = headers ,params=payload)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main_gazo()#Send image main_gazo()Try to move (main for message)())

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