Quantum Circuit Learning
Quantum Circuit Learning (QCL) is an algorithm for applying quantum computers to machine learning. It is designed with the operation of the medium-scale quantum computer NISQ, which does not have an error correction function, in mind.
Reference: Quantum Circuit Learning
Since it is difficult to implement from scratch, implement it with qiskit while referring to the qulacs code in Quantum Native Dojo. It is.
# coding : utf-8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from functools import reduce
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import time
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, execute
from qiskit.quantum_info.analysis import average_data
from qiskit import BasicAer
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Operator
from qiskit.aqua.utils import tensorproduct
I_mat = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
X_mat = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
Z_mat = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
def classical_minimize(cost_func, theta_init, method='Nelder-Mead'):
print('Do classical_minimize !')
start_time = time.time()
result = minimize(cost_func, theta_init, method=method)
print('runnning time; {}'.format(time.time() - start_time))
print('opt_cost: {}'.format(result.fun))
theta_opt = result.x
return theta_opt
class SimpleQuantumCircuitLearning:
def __init__(self, nqubit, func=lambda x: np.sin(x*np.pi), num_x_train=50, c_depth=3, time_step=0.77):
self.nqubit = nqubit
self.func_to_learn = func
self.num_x_train = num_x_train
self.c_depth = c_depth
self.time_step = time_step
self.x_train = None
self.y_train = None
self.InitialTheta = None
self.time_evol_gate = None
def initialize(self):
random_seed = 0
x_min = -1.
x_max = 1.
self.x_train = x_min + (x_max - x_min) * np.random.rand(self.num_x_train)
self.y_train = self.func_to_learn(self.x_train)
def add_noise(self, mag_noise=0.05):
self.y_train = self.y_train + mag_noise * np.random.rand(self.num_x_train)
def input_encode(self, x) -> QuantumCircuit:
qr = QuantumRegister(self.nqubit)
cr = ClassicalRegister(self.nqubit)
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
angle_y = np.arcsin(x)
angle_z = np.arccos(x ** 2)
for i in range(self.nqubit):
qc.ry(angle_y, i)
qc.rz(angle_z, i)
return qc
def make_fullgate(self, list_SiteAndOperator):
list_Site = [SiteAndOperator[0] for SiteAndOperator in list_SiteAndOperator]
list_SingleGates = []
cnt = 0
for i in range(self.nqubit):
if i in list_Site:
cnt += 1
return reduce(np.kron, list_SingleGates)
def hamiltonian(self, time_step):
ham = np.zeros((2**self.nqubit, 2**self.nqubit), dtype=complex)
for i in range(self.nqubit):
Jx = -1. + 2. * np.random.rand()
ham += Jx * self.make_fullgate([[i, X_mat]])
for j in range(i+1, self.nqubit):
J_ij = -1. + 2. * np.random.rand()
ham += J_ij * self.make_fullgate([[i, Z_mat], [j, Z_mat]])
diag, eigen_vecs = np.linalg.eigh(ham)
time_evol_op = np.dot(np.dot(eigen_vecs, np.diag(np.exp(-1j*time_step*diag))), eigen_vecs.T.conj())
self.time_evol_gate = Operator(time_evol_op)
def initial_theta(self):
theta = np.array([2*np.pi*np.random.rand() for i in range(3 * self.nqubit * self.c_depth)])
return theta
def U_out(self, qc, theta):
qc.unitary(self.time_evol_gate, range(self.nqubit), label='time_evol_gate')
theta = np.reshape(theta, (3, self.nqubit, self.c_depth))
for depth in range(self.c_depth):
for q1 in range(self.nqubit):
qc.rx(theta[depth][q1][0], q1)
qc.rz(theta[depth][q1][1], q1)
qc.rx(theta[depth][q1][2], q1)
return qc
def Z0(self):
tensor = Z_mat
for i in range(1, self.nqubit):
tensor = tensorproduct(tensor, I_mat)
return tensor
def run_circuit(self, qc):
NUM_SHOTS = 10000
seed = 1234
backend = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
qc.measure(range(self.nqubit), range(self.nqubit))
results = execute(qc, backend, shots=NUM_SHOTS, seed_simulator=seed).result()
return results.get_counts(qc)
def qcl_pred(self, x, theta):
qc = self.input_encode(x)
qc = self.U_out(qc, theta)
counts = self.run_circuit(qc)
expectation = average_data(counts, self.Z0())
return expectation
def cost_func(self, theta):
y_pred = [self.qcl_pred(x, theta) for x in self.x_train]
L = ((y_pred - self.y_train)**2).mean()
return L
def minim(self, InitialTheta):
theta_opt = classical_minimize(self.cost_func, InitialTheta)
return theta_opt
if __name__ == '__main__':
x_min = - 1.
x_max = 1.
QCL = SimpleQuantumCircuitLearning(nqubit=3)
initial_theta = QCL.initial_theta()
initial_cost = QCL.cost_func(initial_theta)
x_min = - 1.
x_max = 1.
xlist = np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.02)
y_init = [QCL.qcl_pred(x, initial_theta) for x in xlist]
plt.plot(xlist, y_init)
print('initial_cost: {}'.format(initial_cost))
theta_opt = QCL.minim(initial_theta)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(QCL.x_train, QCL.y_train, "o", label='Teacher')
plt.plot(xlist, y_init, '--', label='Initial Model Prediction', c='gray')
y_pred = np.array([QCL.qcl_pred(x, theta_opt) for x in xlist])
plt.plot(xlist, y_pred, label='Final Model Prediction')
def __init__(self, nqubit, func=lambda x: np.sin(x*np.pi), num_x_train=50, c_depth=3, time_step=0.77):
self.nqubit = nqubit
self.func_to_learn = func
self.num_x_train = num_x_train
self.c_depth = c_depth
self.time_step = time_step
self.x_train = None
self.y_train = None
self.InitialTheta = None
self.time_evol_gate = None
#Training data
def initialize(self):
random_seed = 0
x_min = -1.
x_max = 1.
self.x_train = x_min + (x_max - x_min) * np.random.rand(self.num_x_train)
self.y_train = self.func_to_learn(self.x_train)
#Add noise
def add_noise(self, mag_noise=0.05):
self.y_train = self.y_train + mag_noise * np.random.rand(self.num_x_train)
The output of the result is as follows.
initial_cost: 0.20496500050465266
opt_cost: 0.13626398715932975
Looking at the results, it seems that the maximum and minimum values of Final Model Prediction are small.
This is because the value of
def Z0(self):
tensor = Z_mat
for i in range(1, self.nqubit):
tensor = tensorproduct(tensor, I_mat)
return tensor
So, if you use <2Z>
def Z0(self):
tensor = Z_mat * 2
for i in range(1, self.nqubit):
tensor = tensorproduct(tensor, I_mat)
return tensor
And opt_cost
opt_cost: 0.03618545796607254
And improvement is seen.
As a result of using <2.5Z> as a trial,
opt_cost: 0.021796774423019367
Roughly speaking, I implemented QCL with Qiskit. Since the description method is completely different from Qulacs and blueqat, I feel that it is difficult to get started due to the large amount of literature. By the way, I felt that the coefficient of Z also needed to be optimized.
It's a rather crude article, but please forgive me because it's mainly implemented.
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