*** Summarize the implementation of Hadamard walk on cycle $ 3 $ ***. In Quantum Walk Quantum Computer Implementation 2, we introduced the case where the cycle size is $ 2 ^ n $, but we also introduced the case where the cycle size is not $ 2 ^ n $. To do. Implement a simple cycle size of $ 3 $. The method introduced here is the same as Efficient quantum circuit implementation of quantum walks.
For a brief explanation of the quantum walk, refer to Quantum Walk Quantum Computer Implementation 1.
The cycle to think about this time is
Is. Define a quantum walk on this cycle ($ 00,01,10 $ (0 ~ 2 in decimal))
As the overall dynamics
\hat{C}=(I\otimes H)\\
\mbox{However}I=\sum_{x}|x\rangle\langle x|,\quad
\hat{S}=\sum_{x}|x-1\rangle\langle x|\otimes|0\rangle\langle 0|+|x+1\rangle\langle x|\otimes|1\rangle\langle 1|
Let. However, $ x \ pm 1 $ is considered as $ mod 3 $.
Considering the gates of the coin operator
and the `shift operator`
, the time evolution of the quantum walk can be expressed as a quantum walk.
In particular,
*** Coin operator *** $ \ hat {C} = I \ otimes H $ can be expressed by passing $ H $ only through the qubit of the state.
*** Shift operator *** $ \ hat {S} $ is
-If the state is `0```, the location ``` x``` is -1 ・ If the state is
`1, the location
x``` is +1
Think of a gate to do.
3qubits ($ q [0] q [1] q [2] $) is used for this implementation. Consider $ q [0] q [1] $ as the qbit corresponding to the place (00,01,10) and $ q [2] $ as the qubit corresponding to the state.
I would like to consider an algorithm for +1 operation and -1 operation of $ n $ digit binary, but since $ q [0] q [1] $ also contains $ 11 $, it is necessary to eliminate it well. .. Therefore, based on the shift of the quantum walk on cycle 4 (Quantum computer implementation 1 of quantum walk), add the Switch part excluding the unrelated cycle. ..
-1 Operation (state is 0)
Cycle 4-1 operation
Switch for locations 11 and 10
Cycle 3-1 operation
+1 operation (state is 1)
Cycle 4+1 operation
Switch for locations 11 and 00
Cycle 3+1 operation
To summarize the above, the shift operator is
It becomes.
Cycle 4 shift operator </ font> + If state 0, location 11 and 10 switches </ font> + If state 1 Location 11 and 00 switches </ font>
Quantum register, classical register, and set quantum circuit qwqc from them
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
from qiskit import execute
from qiskit.tools.visualization import plot_histogram
q = QuantumRegister(3, 'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(2, 'c')
qwqc = QuantumCircuit(q,c)
#Set the initial state
#Time evolution
for i in range(t):
#Coin operation
#-1 rotation fix
#+1 rotation fix
from qiskit import BasicAer
job_s = execute(qwqc, backend_s,shots=1024)
result_s = job_s.result()
counts_s = result_s.get_counts(qwqc)
from qiskit.tools.monitor import job_monitor
provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q')
job_r = execute(qwqc, backend=backend_r,shots=1024)
Job Status: job has successfully run
result_r= job_r.result()
counts_r = result_r.get_counts(qwqc)
By doing the same, it is possible to implement a quantum walk on any cycle size. For the implementation of arbitrary cycle n, for the smallest $ N $ which is $ n \ leq 2 ^ N $, shift the cycle $ 2 ^ N $ [quantum walk quantum computer implementation 2](https://qiita. An arbitrary cycle can be created by creating it by the method of com / YNUqw / items / 091f71ef71c75cbbc574) and modifying it by operating a switch.
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