On Windows 10. Even though it's on ʻAnaconda` above WSL.
is a map drawing command that can also draw graphs.
Windows Subsystem for Linux
windows 10 only
on cmd.exe
to set the user name and password$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential gfortran
$ sudo apt-get install ghostscript
Install the compiler etc. with.
As for ghostscript
, since it is required by gmt
Download ʻAnaconda3-4.X.X-Linux-x86_64.sh` for Linux from
$ bash ./Anaconda3-4.1.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
Is usually installed in $ {HOME} / anaconda3
--Yes to the question --You can follow the installer's instructions for PATH, or you can register it yourself.
$ conda create -n gmt4 anaconda #Environment creation
$ conda create -n gmt5 anaconda #Environment creation
$ source activate gmt5 #Environment call
** Only when installing GMT5 **
--Because the following error occurs when executing make all
of gmt5
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libcom_err.so.3, needed by ${HOME}/anaconda3/env/gmt5/lib/libgdal.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
Look for libcom_err.so *
and symlink it and it will work.
$ cd ${HOME}/anaconda3/env/gmt5/lib
$ ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcom_err.so.2.1 libcom_err.so.3
Since it differs depending on the environment, it is necessary to search for / lib
, / usr / lib
, / lib64
, / usr / lib64
, etc.
etc. are included by default [^ 1].
[^ 1]: [Updated on May 24, 2019] It seems that it may not be included in Anaconda with a different version, so in that case, conda install netcdf4.
$ conda install -c menpo fftw #Installation of libraries for GMT, etc.
$ conda install gdal libgdal=2.0.0=0 # 〃
$ conda install cmake #If you plan to include GMT5.
--Since the version of libgdal
is 2.0.0-1
, some commands may cause conflicts, so downgrade in advance.
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