[JAVA] [Useful to remember !!!] Easy creation of inherited classes in Eclipse

1. Prior knowledge

-[Latest] How to build Java environment on Ubuntu

-[Even beginners can do it! ] How to create a Java environment on Windows 10 (JDK14.0.1)

-[Easy-to-understand explanation! ] How to use Java instance

-[Even beginners can do it! ] How to install Eclipse on Windows 10 (Java environment construction)

As prior knowledge, the contents of the above link are required.

2. Easy creation of subclasses from superclasses


  1. Select [File (F)] → [New (N)] → [Class]. 01.png
  2. Click the Browse button. 02.png
  3. Select the class you want to inherit and click the ʻOK` button. 03.png
  4. Check the superclass and click the Done button. 04.png
  5. Success if you can confirm the creation of subclass.

2. Easy creation of superclass from subclass


  1. Right-click in the file you want to make a subclass and select [Refactoring (T)] → [Extract Superclass (T)]. 06.png
  2. Enter the superclass name and click the Done button. 07.png 08.png
  3. Success if you can confirm the creation of subclass and superclass.

3. Bonus: Easy creation of System.out.println ()


  1. Type sysout and press Ctrl + Space on your keyboard. 10.png
  2. Success if you can confirm the creation of System.out.println ().

3. Related

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