Machine learning can also be a buzzword, and it seems to be very effective for performing various data analysis, Even if you use the library when you try to implement it, you will have to make "various adjustments", so the threshold is very high. Therefore, the automation of machine learning is to let the machine do the "various adjustments".
A convenient library that automatically selects models for machine learning. The machine learning model used here is an implementation of scikit-learn. The papers correspond to the following.
Actually install it on centos7. The basic procedure is described in HP of the head family (English) and is as follows.
curl | xargs -n 1 -L 1 pip install
pip install auto-sklearn
However, in order to operate the above in Seijo, some environment preparation is required, so it is summarized below. Also, at present (at least when installing from the master branch), it seems that puthon 2 is not supported due to the dependency library, so prepare the python 3 environment at the same time.
Outline of work contents
--Install python version control tool pyenv to make python 2 and python 3 coexist --Install python 3 --Preparing the python 3 environment --Install the required libraries for auto-sklearn --Install auto-sklearn
yum -y install git zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel openssl openssl-devel readline readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel
git clone ~/.pyenv
vi ~/.bash_profile
# export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"(.bash_Add to profile)
# export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"(.bash_Add to profile)
# eval "$(pyenv init -)"(.bash_Add to profile)
source .bash_profile
pyenv install 3.6.0
yum -y install atlas-sse3 atlas-sse2 atlas-devel atlas lapack-devel lapack-static lapack
pip3 install numpy six cython scipy matplotlib
pip install -r
pip3 install auto-sklearn
Let's execute the example program of HP of the head family (English) as it is. It seems that the calculation will take some time. Even so, the installation was completed and I was able to confirm that it works!
It is unknown how much auto-sklearn can be used, so I will try to actually move it and experience it.
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