[RUBY] Create a parent-child relationship form with form_object (I also wrote a test)


There are tables with various child elements such as @ comment and @ employee associated with @ shop. At the time of initial information registration, all child elements such as @ shop, @ comment, and @employee could be saved together with the parent element.

Although these were achieved using ʻaccepts_nested_attributes_for` in the form of the article below,

▼ It was realized like this Create child table data at once with fields_for (I also write a test) [Rails] [Rspec]

Of these, editing forms only for @ shop and posting / editing forms such as @ comment and @employee became necessary, so the model gradually became bloated with various descriptions.

What is form_object?

↑ In the above situation, form_object can simplify the description of the model by collecting validation and default value settings related to a specific form in one place. Personally, I've stumbled upon the introduction, so I'll write an article and keep a record.

The execution environment is as follows.

Introduction method

The basic way to write form_object, controller, and view is as follows. This time, I would like to take an example of a form that allows you to register one @ comment when you first register @ shop.

This article was the most helpful for implementation.

Save multiple child records without accepts_nested_attributes_for

DB structure

name string
category integer

↑ category is the shop type. ʻEnum` column.

content text
shop_id integer

Created file



class ShopEntryForm
  include ActiveModel::Model

  # @Description about shop-----------------------------
  concerning :ShopBuilder do
    def initialize(params = {})
      @category = params[:category]

    def facility
      @shop ||= Shop.new

  attr_accessor :name, :category
  validates :name, presence: true
  validates :category, presence: true

  # @Description about comment-----------------------------
  concerning :CommentBuilder do
    attr_reader :comments_attributes

    def comments
      @comments_attributes ||= Comment.new

    def comments_attributes=(attributes)
      @comments_attributes = Comment.new(attributes)

  attr_accessor :content
  #Implementation logic------------------------------------
  def save
    #If a validation error occurs, false is returned and the following processing is not performed.
    return false if invalid?


    shop.save ? true : false

  def shop_params
      name: name,
      category: @category,

  def build_asscociations
    #Add comment to the child element of shop. However, if the contents are empty, it will not be added.
    shop.comments << comments if comments[:content].present?


There was a lot of stumbling block with this alone. .. .. .. First, the concerning: ShopBuilder do ... end part has the following meanings.

#This description is...
concern :ShopBuilder do

#Same as below
module ShopBuilder
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

For details, see This article that I referred to when implementing.

Next, the part of ʻinitialize (params = {}) ... end` has the following meaning.

def initialize(params = {})
  # @Make shop params accessible
  #Description for columns for which default values are set in DB
  @category = params[:category]

First of all, regarding super (params), according to the following article, which was also a very helpful article for implementation.

Use form class

A description that stores parameters with super (params), and has the same meaning as the following description.

@attributes = self.class._default_attributes.deep_dup

In addition, columns for which default values are set on the db side cannot access params unless you explicitly write to access params as shown below, and even if you enter a ** value, it will be the default value of DB. It has become ... ** **

@category = params[:category]

This mystery cannot be solved. I would like to make it a future issue. .. .. The reason why the default value is required on the db side for columns using enum is [this article](https://framgia.com/journal/rails%E3%81%AEenum-%E8%AB%B8%E5% Please see 88% 83% E3% 81% AE% E5% 89% A3% EF% BC% 88% EF% BC% 91% EF% BC% 89-% E3% 80% 80from-viblo /).

And the part of def comments_attributes = (attributes) ... end,

def comments_attributes=(attributes)
  @comments_attributes = Comment.new(attributes)

This is a way of writing setter method that you rarely see if you are doing only Rails, and you can change the element with @ by ** argument in the form of method (argument)ending with= I will. Personally, I think it's close to the image of doing something like this.

def comments_attributes=(attributes) # ...The following is omitted

#Such an image
comments_attributes = attributes

#So you can call it like this
# =>Contents of attributes

It's because I didn't understand Ruby getters and setters correctly. .. .. .. Tohoho. .. .. I will do my best. .. .. For the method ending with =, see ["Introduction to Ruby for professionals, from language specifications to test-driven development / debugging techniques "](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B077Q8BXHC). I reread p215` of /) about 15 times.


The following is a description of the controller. The controller looks like this.


class ShopsController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @shop = ShopEntryForm.new

  def create
    @shop = ShopEntryForm.new(shop_entry_params)
    if @shop.save
      #What to do when it succeeds
      #What to do if it fails


  def shop_entry_params
                                            comments_attributes: [:content])

I have the impression that the description did not decrease unexpectedly. At first, I expected that shop_entry_params would be reduced from the controller, but I couldn't delete it from the controller after all. Only the method that creates the association could be removed from the controller.

As for Model, ** validation and default value setting methods, associations, etc. were all deleted! ** No additional description! !! After all, form_object is a convenient way to write a slim model! !!

View Finally, the View looks like this.


= form_with model: @shop, url: shops_path, local: true do |f|
    = f.text_field :name

    = f.fields_for :shop_comments, local: true do |comment_form|
      = comment_form.text_field

    = f.submit "Send"

Using fields_for is no different from the implementation using ʻaccept_nested_attributes_for` ^^


The test was also very simple!


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe ShopEntryForm, type: :model do
  before do
    @shop_form = ShopEntryForm.new(category: "category1", name: "Test shop")

  describe "Validation test" do
    it "Pass validation if you have a name and category" do
      expect(@shop_form).to be_valid
    #The following is omitted

All I had to do was pay attention to the location of the file, the RSpec.describe ShopEntryForm ... part, and the description when creating the instance for testing ^^

This is a little old, but I created it with reference to this article.

Write a form object test in RSpec

Impressions, reference materials, etc.

Well, it took a really long time to implement. The actual form had three types of nested child elements, and the shape was quite complicated, but most of all, I think it was because I wasn't used to writing plain Ruby. .. .. Once calmed down, I would like to review Ruby again.

This is a summary of the articles and materials that I referred to this time.

▼ Overall writing Save multiple child records without accepts_nested_attributes_for

▼ How to access params Use form class "Introduction to Ruby for professionals, from language specifications to test-driven development and debugging techniques" (p.215)

▼ About Concerning Bite-sized separation of concerns

▼ How to write a test Write a form object test in RSpec

After this, the edit and update forms also remain, so I would like to work on that next ^ ^

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