[Xcode 12.3] Introduction to Apple Platform App Development-Object Edition- [Swift UI]

What is SwiftUI

SwiftUI is a UI framework that builds the application UI of the Apple platform with Declarative Syntax with the development language Swift.

Like SwiftUI, Flutter is a well-known framework for building application UIs for Apple products, and the differences are summarized in the table below.

SwiftUI Flutter
Supported platforms Apple only iOS, Android, Web
IDE Xcode Android Studio, VS code
Description format Declarative syntax Declarative syntax
development language Swift Dart, Widget
Code amount Few Many
Scalability Inferior to Flutter high

When developing apps for the Apple platform, we will focus on the official Apple framework SwiftUI.




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Link(destination: <URL>) { Text("<label>") }

Text Field & Secure Field

スクリーンショット 2021-01-13 12.28.32.png ↑ No input (placeholder text is displayed)

スクリーンショット 2021-01-13 15.39.24.png

↑ Text field. State during input

スクリーンショット 2021-01-13 12.14.25.png ↑ Secure text field. State during input

Text fields and secure text fields

@State private var value: String = ""

//Linking is possible by setting the values ​​of TextField and SecureField to the same property.
TextField("<Placeholder text>", text: $value)
SecureField("<Placeholder text>", text: $value)

Text editor

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Text editor

@State private var value: String = ""

TextEditor(text: $value)  //Text editors do not implement placeholder text by default


System Button

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Button(action: <Execution method>) { <label> }

Editor button

スクリーンショット 2021-01-08 19.51.43.png ↑ Editor is inactive

スクリーンショット 2021-01-08 19.53.10.png ↑ The editor is active

Editor button


Switch (Toggle Button)

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@State private var flg: Bool = True

Toggle(isOn: $flg) {

Sign In With Apple Button

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import Authentication Services  //Packages required to implement ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton

struct SignInWithAppleButton: UIViewRepresentable {
    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton {
    //ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton is Apple's standard button component,
    //It is not provided as a standard component of SwiftUI, so it must be implemented as a View component of SwiftUI.
        let button = ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton()
        return button

    func updateUIView(_: ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton, context _: Context) [}


If you want to implement authentication function, [here] See (https://inon29.hateblo.jp/entry/2020/03/07/171915).



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Picker(selection: .<Selected value property name>, label: Text(<label>)) {
    Text(<label>).tag(<Selection value>)

Color Picker

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Color picker

ColorPicker("<label>", selection: .constant(.<Default color>))

Date Picker

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Date picker

DatePicker(selection: .constant(Date()), label: { Text("<label>") })



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List { <content> }


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Label("<label>", systemImage: "<symbol>")


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Section(header: Text(<label>)) {

Disclosure Group

スクリーンショット 2021-01-08 19.43.42.png ↑ Closed state

スクリーンショット 2021-01-08 19.44.11.png ↑ Open state

Outline (Outline Group)

スクリーンショット 2021-01-09 17.01.28.png ↑ No List Ver.

スクリーンショット 2021-01-09 17.02.36.png ↑ With List Ver.

outline(Since the implementation was difficult, I wrote the source code)

struct CityData: Identifiable {  //The data used in the Outline Group must conform to the Identifiable protocol
    //Structure"CityData"Property is id, name,3 sites
    let id = UUID()  //UUID(Unique ID)… 128-bit hexadecimal number
    let name: String
    var sites: [CityData]?  //Type method result()Will be assigned later by

    static func result() -> [CityData] {  //Type method(Static method)Definition adds static keyword
        let city1 = [CityData(name: "Site A"), CityData(name: "Site B")]
        let city2 = [CityData(name: "Site C"), CityData(name: "Site D")]

        return [CityData(name: "city1", sites: city1),
                CityData(name: "city1", sites: city1)]
    }  //Depending on the type method, the values ​​of sites will be as follows
       // [name: city1, sites: Optional([name: site A, sites: nil], [name: Site B, sites: nil]) 
       //  name: city2, sites: Optional([name: site C, sites: nil], [name: Site D, sites: nil])]

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(CityData.result()) { city in  // CityData.sites name: city1,Execute the following processing for each of city2
                OutlineGroup(city, children: \.sites) { site in  // CityData.sites.sites name: site A,Execute the following processing for each of site B

Identifiable protocol

public protocol Identifiable {
    associatedtype ID: Hashable  //Type parameters(=Placeholder)"ID"Is"Hashable"Conforms to protocol
    var id: Self.ID { get }  //Property"id"Is read-only and the instance's own type parameter"ID"Fits

Hashable protocol

public protocol Hashable{
    func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
    var hashValue: Int { get }  

Group Box

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Group box

GroupBox(label: <label>) { <content> }


DisclosureGroup("<label>") { <content> }


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Form { <content> }


Navigation View, Navigation Link

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 - 2021-01-09 at 13.57.48.png ↑ Before screen transition

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 - 2021-01-09 at 13.57.51.png ↑ After screen transition

Navigation link

NavigationView {  //NavigationLink is described within the scope of NavigationView
    NavigationLink(destination: <View protocol compliant instance>) { <label> }

Progress View

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Progress view

ProgressView(value: <0~Progress value of 1>)

Scroll View

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Scroll view

ScrollView(.<direction>) {
    VStack {   //In the case of vertical direction, put together with VStack
    .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)  //Maximize coverage

Slider & Stepper

スクリーンショット 2021-01-13 14.36.19.png ↑ Slider

スクリーンショット 2021-01-13 14.38.12.png ↑ Stepper

Slider and stepper

@State private var value: Double = 0

//Linking is possible by setting the values ​​of Slider and Stepper to the same property.
Slider(value: $value, in: 0...100)
Stepper(value: $value, in: 0...100) {

Tab View

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Tab bar

@State private var selection = 0 //Properties that hold selection tabs

TabView(selection: $selection) {
    Text("<content>").tabItem { Text(<label>) }.tag(0)
    Text("<content>").tabItem { Text(<label>) }.tag(1)

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