Studying Java ―― 1

The reference texts include "i-mode" and "J-phone". Is it okay for smartphone mainstream 2017? Suddenly I was worried. .. ..

I don't care about that.


【editor】 CPad for Java2 SDK

Uninflected word

I think it's okay to remember ↓ for a while. It feels like I gradually understand the content as I proceed.

public class Yomogi{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        /*Write something here*/

-The file extension is ".java". -Match the file name and class name.

Is it OK for the time being if you are careful about it?

Display of character string

The iron plate material "Hello, world."

public class Yomogi{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Hello, world.");

The display of the character string -System.out.println ("string") There seems to be another print, but this time.

When you do this.


Since it was displayed, it is OK.

This time, I'm also practicing Qiita, so that's about it.

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